

  •  The Senate shall be the final authority for the interpretation of these Regulations.
  • The Senate reserves the right to alter, amend, repeal, suspend or replace any of these Regulations.
  •  A candidate who has begun a programme of study following one set of Regulations shall not be affected by a new set of Regulations.
  • The General Academic Regulations shall take precedence over Faculty 
  • Regulations.
  • Every candidate, by the act of registering, agrees to abide by all the rules, regulations and policies of the University and of the relevant Faculty and Department.
  • Candidates shall be held liable for contravening any of these regulations.
  • In these Regulations the following terms shall be used as described:

“Concept Note”

A one (1) to five (5) paged document that outlines an area and nature of study.


Suspension of studies for a period of at least one semester, that is, taking time off a study period of up to two consecutive semesters. 

“Forced Termination of Studies”

A candidate’s studies may be terminated on academic or non-academic grounds such as when they fail to meet the requirements set out in the General Academic Regulations for Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy Degrees.


A prescribed phase of study.

“Presumed Withdrawn”

A candidate is presumed to have withdrawn from their studies, when after the candidate has completed all registration formalities and without explanation, fails to submit progress report.


A plan of study lasting over a period of time, which leads to the awarding of a degree of the University.

“Progress Report”

A document that outlines work done in a particular semester.


Registration shall mean providing respective documents as may be required, and paying semester fees as set out in the fees structure on or before the beginning of every new semester, and obtaining confirmation of registration. 


A prescribed period of study shall normally made up of six (6) months.


A field of study offered by a department.


Supervision shall mean mentoring of the supervisee who shall be expected to work independently but under expert guidance and oversight. 


A defined practical assignment, which is separately examinable.

“Voluntary Termination of Studies”

This is a voluntary decision by the student to terminate their studies at the University.

General Provisions

