Dr Patience Chadambuka
Position: Chairperson
- PhD in Sociology, Rhodes University, South Africa,
- Master of Science in Sociology and Social Anthropology, University of Zimbabwe
- Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Sociology, University of Zimbabwe
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education, Midlands State University.
- Executive Certificate in Community Development and Humanitarian Project Management, University of Zimbabwe.
Research interests
- Climate change
- Land and Agrarian Studies,
- Community Development and Livelihoods
- Gender, Sexuality and Family Studies,
- Migration, Race, Ethnicity and studies of difference.
Helliker, K, Chadambuka, P & Matanzima J (eds). 2022. Livelihoods of Ethnic Minorities in Rural Zimbabwe. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94800-9
Matanzima, J, Chadambuka P and Helliker K. (eds). Natural Resource-Based Conflicts in Rural Zimbabwe, Routledge (forthcoming) https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003424697
Book chapters
Matanzima, J., Chadambuka, P. and Helliker, K. Natural Resource-Based Conflicts in Zimbabwe. in Matanzima, J, Chadambuka P and Helliker K. (eds). Natural Resource-Based Conflicts in Rural Zimbabwe, Routledge.(forthcoming) https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003424697-1
Chadambuka, P., Moyo T., Zengeni, F. and Gandah, P.P.T. Domestic Communal Land Grabbing and Dwindling Peri-Urban Spaces: The Case of Midlands District’s Mataga Communal Areas.(forthcoming) https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003424697-3
Chadambuka, P. (2022). (Re)Inventing Livelihoods Amid a Quest for Belonging—The Case of (Chewa) Ex-Farm Workers in Shamva’s Communal Areas. In Helliker, K., Chadambuka, & P., Matanzima, J. (eds) Livelihoods of Ethnic Minorities in Rural Zimbabwe. Springer Geography. Springer, Cham https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94800-9_10
Helliker, K., Matanzima, J., & Chadambuka, P. (2022). Theorising and Historicising the Livelihoods of Ethnic Minorities in Zimbabwe. In: Helliker, K., Chadambuka, P., Matanzima, J. (eds) Livelihoods of Ethnic Minorities in Rural Zimbabwe. Springer Geography. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-94800-9_1.
Refereed Journals
Chadambuka P, Tombindo F and Bvirindi, T, R. (2024). They are taking everything away from us’: autochthonous claims and the moral contestations over Chiadzwa diamonds, eastern Zimbabwe. Journal of Contemporary African Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/02589001.2024.2341622
Hungwe, C., Chadambuka, P., Muridzo N.G., Maseko, M.M., Mugari, Z.E., Maruzani, N., Gaura, D., Maregere, KC. (2024). Effects of COVID‑19 on the Livelihoods of Women with Disabilities in Zimbabwe: A Study of Three Low‑Income Areas in Harare Metropolitan Province. Urban Forum. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12132-024-09509-2
Chadambuka, P., Muridzo, N.G., Hungwe, C. and Mugari, Z.E. (2024). “They Do Not Perceive Us as People”: Women with Disabilities’ Access to Key Social Services During the COVID 19 Pandemic: A Zimbabwean Case Study. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41134-023-00284-x
Chadambuka P and Helliker K. (2024). Culture, politics and material landscaping as strategies of belonging: the case of ex-farm workers of foreign origin in Bushu communal areas, Zimbabwe. Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, DOI: 1080/00083968.2023.2299834
Bvirindi, T.R, Chadambuka Patience and Tombindo, F. (2023). Remembering Lumumba’s dismembered body-polity through Amin. Politikon, https://doi.org/10.1080/02589346.2023.2280866
Chadambuka, P. and Helliker, K. (2023). Communal Land and Belonging Among Foreign Farmworkers in Zimbabwe. Africa Studies https://doi.org/10.1080/00020184.2023.2264240
Chadambuka, P, Pelser, A and Muzvidziwa, V.N. (2023). Sex is sex; marriage is marriage’: Infidelity among married women in Shamva, Zimbabwe. Anthropology Southern Africa. https://doi.org/10.1080/23323256.2023.2189461
Chadambuka, P. & Helliker, K. (2022). Two sides of the stream: the politics of belonging between foreign ex-farm workers and A1 farmers on a fast-track farm in Zimbabwe, African Identities, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/14725843.2022.2077699
Chadambuka, P. (2022). Feminist Scholarship, Femocracy and the Glass Ceiling in Zimbabwean Politics. Journal of Higher Education in Africa, 20 (1), 43-66.
Chideya, P. Chadambuka, P, Bvirindi, T. R (2018). Domestic Violence against “Men”? A myth or reality? The Lived Experiences of Men in Khami District, Bulawayo Metropolitan Province in Zimbabwe. The Dyke. Pp 25-48
Chadambuka, P. (2014) Biting the forbidden apple: Unmasking the strategies that married women employ when conducting their extra marital affairs in Shamva’s Wadzanai Township Zimbabwe. 29. No. 2. July 2014 Journal of Social Development in Africa. Pp 33-56.
Conference Presentations
Conferences, Seminars and Workshops Papers
Chadambuka, P. 2022. “Domestic communal land grabbing, contestations and the dwindling peri-urban communal land spaces”. A paper presented at a Summer School (The Spaces for Future: Processes of Rural and Urban Transformation in Southern Africa) hosted by Justus-Liebig Universitat Giessen, the University of Vienna and UNICAF, in Lusaka, Zambia (19-23 September 2022)
Nkhukhu-Orlando, E., Mashumba, L. & Chadambuka, P. (2022). A Student-Led Approach to Understanding Violence. A paper presented at a Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability Virtual Conference hosted by Technical University of Berlin and the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil., Brazil (8-10 September 2022)
Chadambuka, P. “Africans of foreign origin and elusive communal land tenure in post-fast track Zimbabwe. a case of former farm workers of foreign origin in Shamva District.” A paper presented at the Conference on Land Policy in Africa, African Land Policy Centre, Kigali, Rwanda (1-4 November 2021)
Chadambuka, P. The moral economy of resistance and contestations in Chiadzwa Diamond Fields, Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the University of Cologne, Centre for Global South Studies. “Moral economies in Africa” Workshop. Cologne, Germany (18-19 October 2018)
Chadambuka P. Feminist scholarship, femocracy and the glass ceiling in Zimbabwean politics. Paper presented at the Gender Institute, Dakar, CODESRIA. (14-25 May 2018)
Chadambuka, P. Serving others through poverty alleviation: The role of the church in poverty alleviation in Southern Africa. Paper presented at the Methodist Church Women’s Conference. (12-13 March 2018)
Selected, Seminars and Workshops Participation
Chadambuka, P. 2023. Coping with extreme heat? Perceptions and lived experiences with climate change induced heat in a Zimbabwean border town. Paper presented at the Sociology Seminar Series, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana (10 March 2023)
Participant, Spring School (The Agrarian Question and Contested Rural Futures in Africa), hosted by the University of Western Cape (PLAAS) and the University of Cologne (Centre for Global South Studies) in Cape Town, South Africa (12-16 September 2022)
Chadambuka P. 2022. (Re)visiting ‘African’ theory and methodology: Lessons drawn from five years of teaching and constant review of the discipline of Sociology in an African university. Teaching Africa/African Studies Workshop, hosted by the Centre for Africa Studies, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark (8-9 December 2022)
Research Grants Awarded
- Lead Researcher, Beitbridge Residents perceptions on Extreme heat, funded by the American Red Cross ad the Disaster Preparedness Centre (May to October 2022)
- Co-Researcher, The Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on social/family life, personal assistance/care and access to keyservices among women living with disabilities in Zimbabwe, funded by Diakonie ACT, Austria. (January- May 2022).
- Co-Researcher, Teaching and Research Project funded by DAAD through the Technical University of Berlin Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (SMUS) (April 2022-December 2023)
MSU-UNICEF Social Behaviour Change project focusing on WASH, Child Protection, Education, Nutrition and Climate Change (June 2023-May 2024)
Community Engagement
- Midlands State University Representative- Social Services Cluster, Gweru City Council.
- Patron- Community Studies Students’ Association
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