Mrs Victoria Masere
Position: Lecturer
- BCom Economics (MSU)
- MCom Economics (MSU)
- MSc Finance and Investment (NUST)
Research interests:
- Public Finance
- Family Economics
- Macroeconomics
- Develoment Economics
- Industrial Economics
- Masere, V. S and Chikaza, Z. (2013). An Empirical Investigation of the Applicability of the Debt Overhang Hypothesis in Zimbabwe. The IUP Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. XII, No. 4, October 2013, pp. 7-23.
- Masere, V. S and Kaja, P. (2014). An Investigation of the Relationship between Government Expenditure and Revenue in a Multicurrency Economy: A Case of Zimbabwe. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, No. 14, pp. 104-110.
- Mandina, S. P., Maravire, C and Masere, V. S. (2014). Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility in Enhancing Company Image. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 46-61.
- Masere, V. S and Kaja, P. (2015). An investigation of the determinants of married woman career progression in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Engineering Research and Management, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 51-56.
- Kaja, P., Mutanga, M., Masere, V. S and Ngezi, T. (2015). An econometric estimation of a retail credit rating model: Case of Banking institutions in Zimbabwe. ISOI Journal of Management and Economics, Volume 1 Issue 1; Page No. 18-25.
- Mandina, S.P and Masere, V.S (2016), “A Demand Generation Model to Stimulate Tourists’ Purchase Intent,” Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) Vol.1, Issue 2, pp.12-22.
- Masere, V.S, Mutanga M, Kaja, P and Mandina, S (2016), “Breaking the Poverty Cycle in the Informal Sector of Zimbabwe, the role of Human Capital Development and Earnings: A Case of Gweru, Zimbabwe.” The DYKE, A Journal of the Midlands State University, Special Edition 2016, pp.117-136
- Mubhawu, P., Masere, V.S and Gurira, P (2018), “The Impact of Remittances on Economic Development in Zimbabwe (2000-2015): An Econometric Model (OLS),” Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org. ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) Vol9, No.12 2018
- Masere, V.S., Gurira, P., Matsika, R. and Samugwede, H (2019), ” Harnessing Linkages for Industrial Development.” International Journal in Commerce , IT and Social Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 9, pp.38-48
Conference Papers:
1. Masere, V.S and Tambudzai, Z (2013), “The Determinants of Government Expenditure Growth in Zimbabwe,” Paper presented at the 1st African Water Symposium (AWS) in conjuction with the 5th International Conference on Conflict Management Peace Economics and Peace Science and the 5th Orange River Basin. Bloemfontein, University of the Free State, 19-21 June 2013
2. Masere, V.S., Mutanga, M., Kaja, P. and Mandina, S. (2015), ” Breaking the Poverty Cycle in the Informal Sector of Zimbabwe, the role of Human Capital Development and Earnings: A Case of Gweru, Zimbabwe.” Paper Presented at the Midlands State University, in collaboration with the University of Venda (South Africa) International Conference on Economic Integration, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development, Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe, 14-16 October 2015
3. Masere, V.S and Damiyano, D (2022), ” An Investigation into the nexus between Tax Reforms and Economic Growth of Zimbabwe: An ARDL-ECM Approach.” Paper Presented at the Zimbabwe Economic Development Conference Held at Elephant Hills, Victoria Falls, 10-12 August 2022
Community Engagement:
- S.H.E Committee Member
- Department Counselling Focal Person
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