Dr. Vincent Chakunda
Position: Coordinator
Centre for Public Policy and Devolution
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- PhD in Public Administration (UFH)
- Master of Commerce in Strategic Management and Corporate Governance (MSU)
- BSc Local Governance Studies (MSU)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (MSU)
Research Interests:
- Public policy and governance
- Elections and democracy
- Devolution
- Citizen participation and governance
- Inclusive local governance
- Public finance management
- Public debt
- Strategic management
- Gender and development
- Intergovernmental relations.
- Traditional leadership and local governance
- Land governance and management
Published papers
- Chakunda, V, Rural and urban governance in Africa: The case of Zimbabwe, Handbook of Public Management in Africa, Edward Elgar Publishing
- Chakunda, V, A ‘war against livelihoods’: An analysis of the response of the Government of Zimbabwe to street vending in selected cities, City, Culture and Society
- Chakunda V, Dzingirai C and Chikerema, A.F, Modelling intergovernmental fiscal equalization in Zimbabwe: Towards resolving vertical and horizontal fiscal imbalances, Public Finance Quarterly, 2021, Vol. 66, Issue 4, 535 – 550
- Chakunda V, A Review Study of the Role of the Corporate Sector in Disaster, Management, Journal of Civil and Environmental Research, Vol.8, No.5, 2016
- Chakunda V and Chakaipa S, Local Government Capacity Building and Development: Lessons, Challenges and Opportunities, Journal of Political Science and Public Affairs, Vol 3, Issue 1, 2015
- Chakunda V. Towards Intergovernmental Balance Of Power in Zimbabwe. Opportunities, Challenges and Critical Success Factors, International Organisation of Scientific Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol 20, Issue 1, January 2015, pp 42-48
- Chakunda V. The Context of Intergovernmental Relations in Zimbabwe. Reflections from the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment Number 20 Of 2013, International Organisation of Scientific Research Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol 20, Issue 1, January 2015, pp 37-41
- Chakunda V and Chikerema A.F. Indigenisation of Democracy: Harnessing Traditional Leadership in Promoting Democratic Values in Zimbabwe. Journal of Power, Politics and Governance, March 2014, Vol 2, No 1, pp 67-78.
- Chikerema A.F and Chakunda V. Political Culture and Democratic Governance in Zimbabwe. Journal of Power, Politics & Governance, March 2014, Vol. 2, No. 1,pp. 56-66
- Chikerema Arthur, Sithole Angeline, Chakunda Vincent and Matsika Kudza Good Governance, Democracy and Leadership styles in Africa. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 14, Issue 5 (Sep. – Oct. 2013), PP 67-70.
- Chakunda V. Central-local government relations: Implications on the autonomy and discretion of Zimbabwe’s local government, Journal of Political Science and Public Affairs, Vol 3, Issue 1, 2015
Conferences and Workshops Attended
- Commonwealth Local Government Conference, 2015 June 15-19. Presented a paper titled, 2013 Constitutional reforms and the politics of intergovernmental relations in Zimbabwe.
- Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs Committee (COPAC). Presented a paper in the thematic committee on Institutions of Traditional Leadership and Customs. Conference organised by the Government of Zimbabwe
- Urban local government service provision challenges. 09 March 2012. Workshop organized by the National Association of NGOs (NANGO)
- Local government capacity building and development in Zimbabwe: A review of the achievements of the RDC capacity building programme and Urban 1 and 2. 07 August 2013. Organized by NANGO.
Community Engagement
Taming the Private City Concept into Zimbabwean Territories
- Quarterly performance evaluation of Local Authorities as part of the whole of government approach (Funded by the Government of Zimbabwe, led by Best Practices Pvt Ltd, January 2023 to date.
- Women Participation in Public Budgeting and Access to Loan and Credit Financing in Zimbabwe (Jointly funded by Christian Aid Zimbabwe, Women and Law in Southern Africa (WLSA) and Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD, June, 2024)
- Political Economic Analysis of Local Authorities in Zimbabwe: An anti-corruption perspective (Funded by Southern Africa Parliamentary Support Trust-SAPST, February, 2024)
- Contingency Plan for Transparency International Zimbabwe-TI Z (Funded by TIZ, December,2023)
- End of project evaluation for the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) supported Women Rights project (Funded by Women Coalition in Zimbabwe, September, 2023)
- Strategic Plan for the Midlands AIDS Support Organisation (MASO) (Funded by MASO, June, 2023)
- Handbook for social accountability for local economic development in Zimbabwe (Funded by Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD), June, 2023)
- Developing the Civil Society position paper on Public Finance Management Framework for Devolution (Funded by the Southern Africa Parliamentary Support Trust, May, 2023)
- Developing a toolkit for Civil Society Organisations in the land sector in Zimbabwe (Funded by Transparency International Zimbabwe, March, 2023)
- Comparative perspectives on citizen participation in local governance in Zimbabwe and South Africa (Funded by the International Institute on Democracy and Electoral Assistance, October, 2022),
- Policy brief on assessing the extent of compliance of public entities to the public finance management legislation in Zimbabwe and best practices (Funded by African Forum and Network on Debt and Development-AFRODAD, June 2022),
- Zimbabwe Open Budget Surveys for 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (funded by Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD),
- Urban and Peri-Urban Land Governance in Zimbabwe: Towards a Transparent and Corrupt Free System (jointly supported by Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission and Transparency International-Zimbabwe, November 2020-March 2021),
- Developing training material and conducting training on Integrated Results Based Management System to the Association of Rural District Councils in Zimbabwe (Funded by Association of Rural District Councils in Zimbabwe, May 2021),
- Impact of public debt on service delivery in local authorities (funded by ZIMCODD, March to June,2020),
- Developing a position paper on the review of the Public Finance Management Act, (funded by the Zimbabwe Institute, February, 2020),
- A model for intergovernmental fiscal equalisation (funded by the Commonwealth Local Government Forum, February to April, 2019).
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