- FETD (Masvingo Poly);
- BA (Hons);
- MA (UZ)
Research Interests
- Environmental and Natural resources governance and conservation outcomes;
- Conservation farming,
- Climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation strategies;
- Safety, Health & Environmental Management in Industry.
Journal Papers
- Contribution of rainwater harvesting technologies to rural livelihoods in Zimbabwe: The case of Ngundu ward in Chivi District, Water SA. 32, No. 3 July, 2006.(Reprinted as a book chapter in Dryland Economy: Realizing the Potential, ICFAI University Press, Gujarat, India. Published in June 2007)
- “Property Rights and Environmental Conflicts in Africa: An Exploration of the Main Issues”, Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management Vol. 2, No. 1,
- “Effectiveness of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in Enhancing Corporate Environmental Sustainability in Zimbabwe: The Case of Unilever South East Africa in Harare, Zimbabwe”. The Journal of Sustainable development in Africa, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2009.
- “From cradle to grave …and then what? The role of environmental factors in the distribution of pollutants around Gweru dumpsite”, The Journal of Sustainable development in Africa, Vol.11, No. 1, 2009.
- “Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in the Agricultural Sector: The Case of Small-holder Farmers in Zimbabwe, Journal of Sustainable development in Africa, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2009.
- “Was the adoption of multi-currency system a panacea to urban dwellers’ socio-economic challenges? Perceptions of high density suburbs’ residents in Gweru, Zimbabwe”Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 12, No. 5, 2010.
- “Evaluation of the Impact of Agricultural Recovery Programmes ON Communal Farming Productivity in Mudavanhu Ward 12 of Masvingo District, Zimbabwe” OSSREA Bulletin, VIII, No. 1. February, 2011.
- Dodging the Potholes: The Spatio-Distribution and Socio-Economic Impacts of Potholes in the Residential Areas of Gweru, Zimbabwe. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering7B 1, pp 499-514, 2012.
- Assessment of governance principles application in forest protected areas: The case of six state forests in western Zimbabwe. International Forestry Review Vol.XX(X),
- Matsa, M., Mutekwa,V.T. and Marambanyika, T. 2015. Geography: Data collection, Analysis and Presentation Techniques in Human Geography. A textbook for Advanced Level Students.Booklove Publishers, Zimbabwe.
Book Chapters
- Mutekwa, V.T. (2008) “Rain-water harvesting technologies for crop production: Adoption factors and trends in the dryland south eastern district of Zimbabwe” in Mapiki, A. and Makgaetlaneng, S. (eds) Land and Water Management in Southern Africa: Towards better water use in semi-arid and arid areas, Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, pp 608 – 627.
- Marambanyika,T.;Mutekwa,T. and Kusena, W.(2014) “Adoption and utilisation of ethno-postharvest technologies by smallholder farmers in semi-arid regions of Zimbabwe: Case of Buhera District” in Behnassi, M., Shabbir, A. and Mintz-Habib, N. (Eds). Science, Policy and Politics of Modern Agricultural System: Global Context to Local Dynamics of Sustainable AgricultureSpringer – the language of science & NRCS-Ideas for change, Dordrecht Heidelberg, London.
Conference Presentations
- Mutekwa, V.T (2006) The adoption of In-fieldrainwater harvesting technologies in Zimbabwe: The case of Chivi District, Zimbabwe. The Midlands State University Faculty of Social sciences research seminar held on 29 August 2006 at Telone, Gweru, Zimbabwe.
- Mutekwa, T. (2007) Rain-water harvesting technologies for crop production: Adoption factors and trends in the dryland south eastern district of Zimbabwe. TheSADC/EU LAND AND WATER SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM, 13 – 15 FEBRUARY 2007, GRAND PALM HOTEL, GABORONE, BOTSWANA.
- Mutekwa, V. T. (2008) “Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in the Agricultural Sector: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe.” 3rd SADC-EU International Scientific Symposium – Towards Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change: Institutional Structures and Best Practices in Land and Water Management in Southern Africa, 27-30 May 2008, CrestaGolfview Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia.
- Mutekwa, V.T (2014) A comparative analysis of environmental governance institutions in Zimbabwe’s communal and newly resettled areas: The case of Chirumanzu District. Paper presented at the International Multi-disciplinary Conference (IMC) on Fostering Expertise for Sustainability – Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17th – 18th November 2014
- Mutekwa, V. 2016. Forest governance, conservation and livelihoods in Zimbabwe: Shift needed away from a long history of exclusion. Accepted for presentation at the Nairobi Conference on Earth System Governance “Confronting Complexity and Inequality” Nairobi, 7-9 December 2016.
Other Conferences and workshops attended:
- The Zimbabwe national climate change conference: 19-20 November 2015, International Conference Centre, Harare – Zimbabwe.
- Geo-information and Earth observation for the Africa we want (AFRIGEOSS) Symposium: 27-29 April 2016, Elephant Hills Hotel, Victoria Falls – Zimbabwe.
- Southern Region Workshop to Consider the First Draft of the National Forest Policy for Zimbabwe. 31 August 2016, Fairmile, Regency Hotel, Gweru, Zimbabwe.
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