Dr Theo Tsokota
Position: Senior Lecturer
Information and Marketing Sciences
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- PhD In Information Technology, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
- MBA Management Information Systems, Maastricht
- BSc Information Systems, Midlands State University
Research Interests:
- IT Governance
- E-commerce
- Tsokota, T., von Solms, R., & van Greunen, D. (2019). The reticent effect of ICT on tourism: A case study of Zimbabwe. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Vol 8 Issue 3.
- Gumbo, H, Tsokota, T., Mamboko, P, Govere,W., & Mukwazvure, A. (2018). IT Governance: Status and Level of Implementation in Zimbabwean Banks. Journal of Business Sciences, Vol 2 Issue 2.
- Tsokota, T., von Solms, R., & van Greunen, D. (2017). An ICT Strategy for the Sustainable Development of the Tourism Sector in a Developing Country. A Case Study of Zimbabwe. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 78.
- Mahakata, S., Tsokota, T., & Mupfiga, P. (2017) A framework for enhancing Information Sharing and Collaboration within the Tourism industry in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Vol 6 Issue 3.
- Mamboko, P., Zhou, M., Tsokota, T., & Mhaka, C. (2015). IT Governance: Status and Level of Implementation in Zimbabwean Urban Local Authorities. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(1), 173-179.
- Sigauke, J., Mupfiga, P., & Tsokota, T.(2015) An Analysis of the Information Security Governance in the State Owned Enterprises (Soe) In Zimbabwe. The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) 4(12),-49-53
- Mupfiga, P., Tsokota, T., & Mamboko, P. Challenges to the Implementation of Information Technology Risk Management and Compliance in Zimbabwean State Universities. The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) 4 (12),54-60
- Muruko, M. E., Chipfumbu, C. T., & Tsokota, T. (2014). The state of electronic-customer relationship management in Zimbabwe’s banking sector. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, 4(8), 5-18.
- Magomelo, M., Mamboko, P., & Tsokota, T. (2014). The status of information security governance within state universities in Zimbabwe. Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, 5(8).
- Jamba,F.Chipfumbu, C.T. Tsokota, T. Mamboko P. IT Governance Practices and Enterprise Effectiveness in Zimbabwe: a Case of a Zimbabwean Bank. European Journal of Business and Management Vol 5, No 20 (2013)
- Muruko, M. Tsokota, T, Chipfumbu, C. T. ECustomer Relationship Management in the Clothing Retail Shops in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Management And Business Studies (IJMBS) Vol. 3 Issue 1 Jan-March, 2013
- Govere, W. D, Tsokota, T, Chikuta,O. Mukwembi, A. Chinofunga, P. The use of the internet to attract tourists to Zimbabwe. An analysis of the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority Website. International Journal of Management And Business Studies (IJMBS) Vol. 3 Issue 1 Jan-March, 2013
- Jamba,F.Chipfumbu, C.T. Tsokota, T. Mamboko P(2013). IT Governance Practices and Enterprise Effectiveness in Zimbabwe: a Case of a Zimbabwean Bank. European Journal of Business and Management Vol 5, No 20
- Tsokota,T. Chipfumbu, C.T. Mativenga, M. Mawango, T. I ICT4D And The Challenge Of Vandalism In Zimbabwe International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Vol, 2 Issue 8, August 2013
- Tsokota T. The Feasibility Of Setting Up Information Technology-Enabled Services/Business ProcessOutsourcingHub In Zimbabwe. The Journal of Zimbabwe Studies: Science, Technology and Health (JZSSTH Vol. 1 Issue 1 2012
Conference Presentation
- Mandaza,R., Tsokota, T., & Mamboko P. A strategy to improve utilisation of SMS-based market information by smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe: Evidence from Mbare Musika. 12th Zimbabwe International Research Symposium (ZIRS), 13-15 February 2019, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Tsokota, T.,Mhloza, V. and Chipfumbu Kangara, C. A Strategy to Enhance E-Safety among First Year Students at Zimbabwean Universities. The Proceedings of International Conference on Peace, Security and International Studies (ICPSIS) 2018: Evolving Afro-Asian Synergies on Peace, Security and International Development in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era, 17th to 18th October 2018, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
- Chipfumbu Kangara, C and Tsokota, T. Investigating the State of Cyber Security Awareness by Zimbabwean Citizens. The Proceedings of International Conference on Peace, Security and International Studies (ICPSIS) 2018: Evolving Afro-Asian Synergies on Peace, Security and International Development in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era, 17th to 18th October 2018, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
- Tsokota, T., Mahlangu, G, Rebanowako, T, & Furusa S. Can the Social Construction of Technology Theory be Used to Explain the Perception of Social Media in Zimbabwe? 11th Zimbabwe International Research Symposium (ZIRS), 16-17 February 2017, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Muzambi,N., Tsokota, T., Zhou, M. A Framework for the Adoption of Electronic Medical Records in Zimbabwean Hospitals Zimbabwe Open University International Research Conference, 28-29 July 2016, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Mupfunde, C., Tsokota, T., ICT As An Enabler Of E-Transformation To Revive Zimbabwean Agriculture: The Case Of Land Resource Usage Zimbabwe Open University International Research Conference, 28-29 July 2016, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Makiwa,A, Ruvinga,C., Tsokota, T. A framework for adoption and utilisation of mobile technologies by SMES in Zimbabwe Research Conference on economic intergration, entrepreneurship and sustainable development, 14-16 October 2015, Gweru, Zimbabwe
- Tsokota, T., von Solms,R., Greunen, D. Towards a strategy for ICT integration in the tourism sector in Zimbabwe 6th Annual International Conference on ICT for Africa, 1-4 October 2014, Yaounde, Cameroon
- Phiri, L Tsokota,T Musiyandaka, D. Ranga G and Chipfumbu, CT. Awareness and adoption of SMS and Internet banking technologies by customers of the banking sector in Chinhoyi International Research Conference, 17-18 January 2013, Chinhoyi University of Technology, Zimbabwe
- Tsokota, T., von Solms,R. ICT and the turning-around of the Zimbabwean Economy 5th Annual International Conference on ICT for Africa, 20-23 February 2013, Harare, Zimbabwe
- Tsokota T. The Feasibility Of Setting Up Information Technology-Enabled Services/Business Process Outsourcing Hub In Zimbabwe. Paper presented at Zimbabwe Research and Intellectual Expo, Harare 2011
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