Staff Profile

/Dr Talknice Z. Jombo
Dr Talknice Z. Jombo

Position: Chairperson

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  • PhD Food Science (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
  • MSc Food Science and Nutrition (MSU, Zimbabwe)
  • BSc (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition (MSU, Zimbabwe)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (MSU, Zimbabwe)
  • Certificate in Milking to potential, Netherlands: Developing a strategic framework for dairy sector developmenting emerging economies,2017.

Research Interests:

  • Food Chemistry
  • Cereals and legumes processing
  • Dairy science and processing
  • Product development


  • Training of Facilitator (TOT) Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP, 2023).
  • Africa Science Leadership Programme Fellow 2023 (Cohort 8.1)
  • Orange knowledge exchange series Southern edition, Hosted by the Netherlands. Pretoria South Africa.
  • Grant Writing Virtual Workshop: Midlands State University Research and Postgraduate studies office.
  • InnoFoodAfrica Sensory and Consumer Testing Training 25th Mar – 24 June 2021

Publications: (Orcid profile:0000-0002-3272-069X )

    1. Masaka, V. P, Ndlovu, N, Tshalibe, R. S, Mhande, T. C, Jombo T.Z. (2022) Prevalence of Aflatoxin Contamination in Peanuts and Peanut Butter from an Informal Market, Harare, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Food Science. Article ID 3761078, 6 pages.
    2. Mwazha, M., Mugadza, D. T., Manhokwe, S., Njini, M., & Jombo, T. Z. (2022). Comparison of the Changes in Seed Germination Vigour with Prolonged Postharvest Storage for Hordeum vulgare Varieties, Hope and Sierra Malting Barley Varieties, in Zimbabwe. Journal of Food Quality.
    3. Chawanda, E. T., Manhokwe, S., Jombo, T. Z., Mugadza, D. T., Njini, M., &Manjeru, P. (2022). Optimisation of Malting Parameters for Quinoa and Barley: Application of Response Surface Methodology. Journal of Food Quality, 2022.
    4. Chawafambira, A, Jombo, T.Z &Mkungunugwa, T. (2022). Effect of Lacticaseibacillusrhamnosus Yoba Fermentation on Physicochemical Properties, Amino Acids, and Antioxidant Activity of Cowpea-Peanut Milk. Journal of Food Quality.
    5. Muchekeza, J.T, Jombo, T.Z, Magogo, C, Mugari, A, Manjeru, P, &Manhokwe, S. (2021). Proximate, physico-chemical, functional and sensory properties OF quinoa and amaranth flour AS potential binders in beef sausages. Food Chemistry, 365, 130619.
    6. Mugadza, D. T., Nduku, S. I., Gweme, E., Manhokwe, S., Marume, P., Mugari, A., …& Jombo, T. Z. (2021). Drinking water quality and antibiotic resistance of E. coli and Salmonella spp. from different sources in Gweru urban, Zimbabwe. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193(8), 1-12.
    7. Jombo, T. Z., Emmambux, M. N., & Taylor, J. (2021). Modification of the functional properties of hard-to-cook cowpea seed flours and cooked prepared pastes by γ-irradiation. Journal of food Science and Technology, 58(1), 22–33.
    8. Chagwena, D.T, Matanhire, G.T, Jombo T.Z and Maponga, C.C. (2019). Protein quality of commonly consumed edible insects in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Biological Sciences, 19 (3) 14674-14689.
    9. Jombo, T. Z., Minnaar, A., & Taylor, J. R. (2018). Effects of gamma‐irradiation on cotyledon cell separation and pectin solubilisation in hard‐to‐cook cowpeas. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(5), 1725-1733.
    10. Manhokwe, S., Matiashe, I., & Jombo, T. Z. (2013). An analysis of the water quality of groundwater sources in selected high density areas in Gweru urban, Zimbabwe. Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources, 2(9), 302-309.
    11. Chawafambira, A., & Jombo, T. Z. (2024). The effect of herbal Lippia javanica extracts on the bioactive content, functional properties, and sensorial profile of biofortified-orange maize based fermented maheu. Applied Food Research, 4(1), 100367.
    12. Mujinda, G., Manhokwe, S., Chawafambira, A., Mugadza, D. T., Chagwena, D. T., & Jombo, T. Z. (2023). Optimisation of nutritional composition of traditional porridges produced from blended pearl millet, cowpeas, and wild loquat and velvet wild medlar fruits. Food Chemistry Advances, 3, 100478.
    13. Nyoka, R., Muhezva, C., & Jombo, T. Z. (2023). Investigating knowledge, practices, perceptions, attitudes and barriers associated with implementation of Food Safety Management Systems in Zimbabwe’s tea industry. Food and Humanity, 1, 1413-1422.
    14. Jombo, T.Z., Mwayera, T. A., Ndari, G., & Gwaza, R. N. (2024). Proximate, functional and sensory characteristics of blended yellow maize and hard‐to‐cook cowpea extruded snacks. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.
    15. Mukherjee, P., Tewari, S., & Jombo, T. Z. (2024). A review on bioactive compounds presents in garden beet and beetroot powder and their potential prebiotic properties. Int J Res Agron 2024;7(3):178-180. DOI: 10.33545/2618060X.2024.v7.i3c.407
    16. Nemapare, P., Mugadza, D.T., Gadaga, T.H. and Jombo, T.Z., (2024). Indigenous knowledge and marketing of edible wild fruits in Zimbabwe: A case study of Shurugwi, Gokwe south, Chirumhanzu, and Chivi districts. Journal of Food Technology Research, 11(3), pp.62-81.

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