Dr Simbarashe Shadreck Chitima (Senior Lecturer)
Position: Chairperson
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- Doctor of Philosophy in Museum Studies (MSU)
- Master of Arts in Museum Studies (MSU)
- Master of Science in Records and Archives Management (NUST)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education (MSU)
- Bachelor of Technology in Art and Design- Specialist in Curatorship (CUT)
Research Interest
- Museum Collections Management,
- Heritage Management, Heritage
- Education, Museum Communication,
- Museum Exhibition Design and Interpretation,
- Visual Arts, Art Aesthetics,
- Museum Management and Museums and Global Issues.
Work Experience
- 2006-2007- Assistant Curator at the National Art Gallery of Zimbabwe,
- 2008-Freelance Curator and Exhibition Designer
- 2009-2010-Teaching Assistant in the Department of Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museums Studies at Midlands State University,
- 2010-2016-Assistant lecturer in the Department of Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies at Midlands State University,
- 2016-to date-Lecturer in the Department of Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies at Midlands State University.
- Chitima, S.S (2015). Developing Sustainable Museums through ‘Greening’: A Case study of the Zimbabwe Military Museum. In Mawere, M., Chiwaura, H. And Thondhlana, T.P (eds). African Museums in the Making: Reflections on the Politics of Material and Public Culture in Zimbabwe. Bamenda: Langaa Research and Publishing. pp 223-246
- Jagero, N., Chisedzi, W.K.T., Sithole, N. and Chitima, S.S. (2016). The Role of the Zimbabwean Museums in creating national identity during post colonial: A case of the Zimbabwe Military Museum. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, Vol 4, Issue 1, pp 57-69.
- Chitima, S.S. and Mupira, P. (2017). ‘Disabled Access’: debating the accessibility of Zimbabwe national museums by people with disabilities. In Manyanga, M and Chirikure, S (eds). Archives, Places and Landscapes: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Decolonised Zimbabwean Pasts. Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa Research and Publishing CIG, pp 355-378.
- Chitima, S.S and Ishmael N. (2018). Incorporating indigenous knowledge in the control of Wahlberg bats at BaTonga Community Museum as a collections preservation measure. In Ngulube, P. (eds). Handbook of Research on Heritage Management and Preservation. IGI Global, pp 396-407.
- Chitima, S.S. (2020). Epistemologies and learning: primary school pupils’ learning experiences at national museums in Zimbabwe. ICOM Education 29-Museum Education, ISSN 2709-8486, pp 233-245.
- Chitima, S.S (2020). Teacher Influence on School Student Learning Outcomes at National Museums in Zimbabwe. The Museum Review, Vol 5 (1), pp 1-15.
- Chitima, S.S. (2021). Negotiating the Decolonisation of National Museums in Zimbabwe. ICOM/ICOFORM, ISBN: 978-2-491997-28-1, Pp 67-70.
- Thondhlana, T.P., Chitima, S.S and Chirikure, S. (2021). Nation branding in Zimbabwe: Archaeological heritage, national cohesion, and corporate identities. Journal of Social Archaeology, DOI:10.1177/14696053211002699. pp 1-23.
- Chitima, S.S (2021). Developing operational environments and educational activities for early childhood development students in museums. Museum Management and Curatorship, https://doi.org/10.1080/09647775.2021.1914145. pp 1-19.
- Chitima, S.S. (2021). “Engines and Wagons”: The Challenges and Options of Conserving Railway Heritage. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals, pp. 1-18. ps://doi.org/10.1177/15501906211052717.
- Chitima, S.S. (2021). Reframing Attitudes and Habits: Strategies for Facilitating Learning in Museums Among Students with Disabilities. Theory and Practice: The Emerging Museum Professionals Journal, Vol 4 (1): pp 1-17. ISSN 2638-4159.
- Chitima, S.S. (2021). Decolonization of Museum Education. International Council of Museums (ICOM), Vol 49 (2): pp 73-87.
- Chitima, S.S. (2022). Negotiating national identity in post-colonial Zimbabwe through a national dress. Nations and Nationalism, pp.1–16. https://doi.org/10.1111/nana.12811.
- Chitima, S.S (2022). Colonial vestiges, difficult heritage, and the post-colony: Rescuing Ian Smith’s collections at the Gwenoro eco-museum, Shurugwi. In Thondhlana, T.P; Mataga, J., and Munjeri, D. (eds). Independent Museums and Culture Centres in Colonial and Post-Colonial Zimbabwe: Non State Players, Local Communities and Self Representation. Routledge: New York, pp 79-87.
- Chirikure, S., Ndoro, W., Chitima, S.S., Tevera, G. and Thondhlana, P. (2022). Colonial Statues in Post-Colonial Africa: Decolonizing the Narrative or Destroying the Heritage? In Abungu, G.O., and Ndoro, W. (eds). Cultural Heritage Management in Africa: The Heritage of the Colonized. Routledge: New York, pp 117-134.
- Chitima, S.S. (2022). Developing Effective Study Sheets as Vehicle for Learning in Museums. The Dyke, Vol 16 (1): pp 1-20.
- Chitima, S., Ndlovu, H., and Phiri, K. (2023). Records and Information Management in Pentecostal Churches in Zimbabwe. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies, Vol 40 (3): pp 1-16.
- Chitima, S.S and Mmakola, N. (2023). “They prefer the museum in a more colourful outfit’: Perceptions of millennials towards Zimbabwe’s museums”. ICOFOM Study Series, Vol 50 (2): pp 44-55. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/iss.4479
- Chitima, S.S and Dewah, P. (2023). The Records Management (RM) Capabilities of Lecturers at Midlands State University (MSU), Zimbabwe. Mousaion: South African Journal of Information Studies, Vol 41 (4): pp 1-16.
- Chitima, S.S. (2023). ‘The Wandering Tiny Tots’: Educational programming for Early Childhood Development in museums in Zimbabwe. In Katsamudanga, S. and Chikumbirike, J. (eds). Taking stock of archaeological thoughts and practices in southern Africa: Proceedings of the Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA) conference, Harare, 1-3 July 2015. University of Zimbabwe Publications (UZP).
- Chitima, S.S. (2023). Museums Tackling Climate Change-A Zimbabwean Context. In Merriman, N. (ed), Museums and The Climate Crisis. Routledge: London, pp 93-105. ISBN 9781032389417.
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