Mr Caston Makaka
Position: Lecturer
Applied Biosciences & Biotechnology
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- MSc. in Tropical entomology (UZ),
- BSc Honors in Biological Sciences (UZ)
- Grad. CE (UZ)
Research Interests:
- Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF),
- bacteria and botanicals on insect pests.
- Diversity,
- Taxonomy and identification of freshwater invertebrates.
- Climate change and insects
- (i) MakakaCaston (2008). Efficacy of two isolates of Metarhiziumanisopliae (Metschin) Sorokin (Deuteronmycotina:Hyphomycetes) against adult black maize beetle Heteronychuslicas Klug under laboratory conditions, African Journal of Agricultural Research (AJAR)
- (ii)MakakaCaston and Mswaka A (2008).Potency of two isolates of Metarhiziumanisopliae (Metschin) Sorokin (Deuteronmycotina:Hyphomycetes) against larvae of the black maize beetle Heteronychuslicas Klug (Coleoptera: Scarabidae)In: Proceedings of Insect Science Conference, ICIPE, Nairobi, Kenya 2008
- (iii)Dube T, Zwelabo A and MakakaCaston (2010). An Assessment of the Effect of Industrial and sewage Effluent on Aquatic Invertebrates: A Case study of a Southern Urban Stream, Zimbabwe, published in the Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol 3, No 2 June 2010,
- (iv)Musungo Patience, MakakaCastonand DubeT (2010).A survey of the diversity of enteric protoctistian parasites in urban Zvishavane, Zimbabwe. Agricultural and Biology Journal of North America.
- (v) MakakaCaston and Ganda David (2012). Laboratory assessment of the potential acaricidal properties of the herb Artemisia alfa (Greenginger or wormwood) against the larvae of three tick species.Elixir Appl. Biology 51 (2012) 11019-11023
- (vi)MakakaCaston and NsingoClarance (2012). An Investigation into the Prevalence, Predisposing factors and Vector transmission of Urinary and Intestinal schistosomiasis in Zvishavane District, Zimbabwe, Elixir Appl. Biology 51 pp11024-11028
- (vii)Makure J and MakakaCaston (2013). Dry Season Browse Preference for the Black Rhinoceros (Dicerosbicornis): The Case of the Midlands Black Rhino Conservancy (MBRC),Zimbabwe,Greener Journal of Biological Sciences Vol. 3 (1), pp. 031-047.
- (viii)Chapano C, Zimudzi C, Makaka CM, Mapaya RJ. (2013).Species composition and spatial heterogeneity of the seed bank and vegetation in protected and disturbed Miombo Woodland at Christon bank, Zimbabwe. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES)
- Vol. 3, No. 8, p. 133-149, 2013.
- (ix)MakakaCaston, Mazire Samantha (2014).Effect of habitat structure on avian diversity and distribution: the case of main camp, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) Vol. 4, No. 1, p. 90-108, 2014
- (x) Mubvekeri W, Bare, J., MakakaCaston and Jimu F, (2014). Assessing the diversity and intensity of pesticide use in cotton producing communal areas in Zimbabwe. Journal of Ecology and natural Environment, Vol 6 (10) pp 342-348.
- (xi) Makaure J, MakakaCaston and Sithole M. (2015).Assessment of upper thermal tolerances of naiads of two odonate families:Coenagrionidae and Libellulidae in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Elixir Appl. Zoology 80: 31201-31206.
- (xii)MakakaCaston, Makowe. AI and Makaure J. (2016).Potential Insecticidal Effects of Azadirachtaindicaand Nicotinatabacumagainst the Gall Wasp, Leptocybeinvasa(Hymenoptera, Eulophidae: Tetrastichinae) on Eucalyptus grandisSeedlings.Elixir Bio Sci. 91: 38429-38434
Community Engagement:
- Using insects to benefit rural communities (apiculture project)
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