Staff Profile

/Dr. Sipikelelo Mugari
Dr. Sipikelelo Mugari

Position: Research Fellow

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  • PhD Educational Psychology (UP)
  • MPhil HIV & AIDS Management (US)
  • PDM HIV & AIDS Management (US)
  • BSc Counselling (ZOU)
  • Certificate in Education-(Secondary) (GTC UZ)

Research Interests:

  • Community Health
  • Sexual Reproductive Health
  • Women, girls, children, youth, HIV & AIDS, Drug and Substance Abuse
  • Gender and sexuality
  • Community mobilisation
  • Collaborative learning


  • Mugari, S., Mudhumo, E. & Chivhenge, S. (2023). Challenges and Opportunities in Learning in the New Normal: Implications for Students and Educators at Great Zimbabwe University. (Book Chapter-Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS)).
  • Chidarikire, M., Mugari, S. & Mugari, Y. M. (2023). Learning while hungry: Malnutrition and students’ academic achievement at a Rural-day Secondary School in Chivi District, Zimbabwe. (Book Chapter-Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS)).
  • Mugari, Z.E., Mugari, S. & Mukwendi, C. (2023). Intersections of the mis-infodemic and Covid19 Vaccine hesitancy in Zimbabwe. (Book Chapter-Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS)).
  • Mugari, S. (2021). Strengthening Discourse – Intensive pedagogical practices: The utility of peer-facilitated small-group discussions to develop critical-analytic thinking (PhD thesis) available on
  • Magwa & S. Mugari (2017). Factors affecting Parental Involvement in the Schooling of Children. Vol.5, No.1, International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection.UK.
  • Mugari, S. (2011). Obstacles School-Going Female Adolescents in Gweru Face in Translating HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Attitudes into HIV Preventive Sexual Behaviour (2010). (MPhil Dissertation) (Available on
  • Mugari, S. (2006). An Enquiry into Cultural Practices That Hinder Married Women in Rimuka Kadoma from Accessing Voluntary Counselling and Testing Services Undergraduate Dissertation for BSc. Counselling (BSc Dissertation) (Available at the ZOU library).

On-going research:

  1. Emic Perceptions of Causes of Drug and Substance Abuse: Narratives of Survivors of Drug and Substance Abuse.
  2. The Caregiver Disease: The Lived Experiences of Drug and Substance Abuse Addicts Caregivers
  3. Community-based Intervention Strategies for fighting Drug and Substance Abuse
  4. Self-control and Self-concept in Intervention Programs for Youth Drug Abusers in Zimbabwe.

Under review for Publication:

  1. Oliver Mtukudzi and HIV and AIDS Activism. (Book chapter- under Review for Publication).
  2. Peer-facilitation of small-group discussions and Learner Participation in students learning English as a Second Language in a rural South African high school.

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