Duration 1 ½ years
Credit load 306
Minimum Credit Load 270
Maximum Credit Load 340
Maximum MBK’s Credit Load 216
ZNQF level 9
The programme explores investigation elements in forensic auditing and equips students with relevant critical thinking skills to collect and interpret Financial Fraud and Forensics Audit data in the contemporary world along with the legal mechanism to counter corporate fraud and understand Forensic Audit methods. The program will empower students to recognize the root causes of fraud and white-collar crime in the current economy, analyse the categories of fraud, equip them with methodologies of fraud detection and prevention, and heighten their ability to detect potential fraudulent situations.
2.1 Normal Entry
To qualify for normal entry into the Master of Commerce Degree in Forensic Auditing and Accounting programme, a candidate, in addition to satisfying the minimum requirements as prescribed under the General Regulations and the Faculty Regulations, for “O” level English and Mathematics, must be a holder of a first degree in Accounting, Forensic Accounting, Auditing, Banking and Finance or any other related degree.
- Areas of study: Financial Analysis, Internal and External Fraud Investigation, Auditing, Communication Computer Skills, Asset Protection, Digital Forensics, Legal Evidence Methodologies, Expert Witnessing, Investigations and Criminal Law
- Specialist focus: Forensic Auditing and Forensic Accounting
- Orientation: Research and innovation-oriented. Teaching and learning are professionally oriented and focused on practical aspects.
- Distinctive features: The programmebuilds the research-technology-innovation continuum and focuses on Forensic accounting which includes conducting investigations to uncover financial fraud, often acting as expert witnesses during trials. It will basically be advanced training in areas related to investigation and auditing using a student-centred approach.
The Master of Commerce Degree in Forensic Auditing and Accounting provides employment opportunities in Government or Private Firms. Institutions may include the following: Accounting Firms, Mining organisations, Consultancy Firms, Banks, Law Enforcement Agencies, Universities, and Telecommunication Companies. Roles will include conducting criminal and civil investigations into crimes such as illegal financial transactions and embezzlement. Forensic Auditors can also work as fraud examiners and certified public accountants (CPAs), reviewing financial documents to resolve civil disputes. There are also possibilities for entrepreneurship in the form of Forensic accounting and auditing Consultancy.
7.1 A candidate is required to undertake a minimum of five (5) modules per semester excluding modules carried from the previous academic level or semester.
7.2 A student requires a minimum of 306 credits to complete this programme.
8.1 Normally evaluation shall be based on continuous assessment as well as University Examinations. Unless otherwise approved by the Senate, continuous assessment will contribute 40% of the overall assessment.
8.2 The department shall determine which items of continuous assessment and practical work will be included in the continuous assessment. The department will maintain written records of each student’s performance in these elements of continuous assessment items incorporated in continuous assessment may include assignments tests, essays, projects or any other as shall be determined by the department.
8.3 Students shall normally take examinations at the end of each semester as prescribed in the Faculty and or Departmental regulations
8.4 External examiners shall be appointed to moderate examinations.
8.5 For more detail refer to Section 6 of the General Regulations and Section 5 of the Faculty Regulations.
Level 1 Semester 1
Code |
Module Description |
Credits |
MFA700 |
Forensic Accounting and Auditing |
18 |
MFA701 |
Money Laundering and Asset Tracing |
18 |
MFA702 |
Compliance and Governance |
18 |
MFA703 |
Big Data Analytics in Forensic Accounting |
18 |
MFA704 |
Professional Ethics in Forensic Auditing |
18 |
Level 1 Semester 2
Code |
Module Description |
Credits |
MFA707 |
Financial Crimes and the Law |
18 |
MFA708 |
Cyber-crime and Digital Forensics |
18 |
MFA705 |
Tax Audit and Investigation |
18 |
MFA706 |
Fraud Risk Management |
18 |
MFA709 |
Financial Statements and Analytical Techniques |
18 |
MFA710 |
Research Methodology |
18 |
Level 2 Semester 1
Code |
Module Description |
Credits |
MFA800 |
Advanced Forensic Litigation and Expert Witnessing |
18 |
MFA801 |
Dissertation |
90 |
MFA700 Forensic Accounting and Auditing
The module introduces students to investigative techniques for planning, gathering, interpreting, and documenting evidence in areas such as valuation of closely held businesses, lost profits analyses, and various types of litigation support services. Legal concepts governing expert witness testimony are also examined.
MFA701 Money Laundering and Asset Tracing
The module introduces students to money laundering, international controls and regulations to prevent and detect potential sources of money laundering, various methods and techniques of tracing assets
MFA702 Compliance and Governance
The module introduces students to the Zimbabwean regulatory environment, international regulatory environment (UK and USA), compliance framework, compliance function, compliance risk, corporate governance, professional ethical standards, professional conduct and integrity management.
MFA703 Big Data Analytics in Forensic Accounting
The module introduces students to data, methods of quantitative analysis, and concepts of data mining, data warehousing, predictive, descriptive and prescriptive analytics. Tools such R-Studio, F-sharp, Python, Open Source Toolkit – WEKA and Hadoop shall be used as hands on practical’s.
MFA704 Professional Ethics in Forensic Auditing
The module introduces students to the fundamental principles underlying the IFAC code of ethics, the ethical responsibilities of accountants in business in relation to Fraud, Money laundering, theft, over-exaggeration or suppression of information or values, unethical behaviour to individuals, the accountancy profession and the public.
MFA705 Tax Audit and Investigation
The module introduces students to civil and criminal tax fraud matters, methodologies of investigation, prosecution, and defence, as well as issues surrounding the resolution of certain types of cases. The module covers introduction to Tax Fraud, tax fraud patterns, offences, tax due diligence, tax audit and investigations, tax regulations, prosecution and defence.
MFA706 Fraud Risk Management
The module introduces students to risk identification, assessment & evaluation, fraud risk management, development and implementation of risk response strategy, risk monitoring and communication, development, measuring and monitoring of KRIs & KPIs, and designing and implementation of information systems controls.
MFA707 Financial Crimes
The module introduces students to financial crimes, motivations and typologies: the drivers of financial crime, offending and the types of financial crime commonly encountered, the laws and statutes governing financial crimes, financial crime investigation modelling, and managing a financial crime investigation.
MFA708 Cyber-crime and Digital Forensics
The module introduces students to database forensics, network forensics, computer forensics, investigative tools, digital evidence, evidence collection, forensic standards, search and seizure, e-discovery and network intelligence, types of cybercrimes, cybercrimes law, legal restrictions on the movement and use of cryptographic technology.
MFA709 Financial Statements and Analytical Techniques
The module focuses on Analysis of financial statements and audit reports, Horizontal and vertical analysis, Financial ratio analysis and Anomaly detection to identify nonconformities.
MFA710 Research Methodology
The module introduces students to advanced topics in research design and statistical analysis. The topics include underlying philosophies to research-based methods, observational and experimental research designs, strengths and weaknesses of each design, internal validity for different research designs, research proposal, advanced analysis and overall thesis writing.
MFA800 Advanced Forensic Litigation and Expert witnessing
This module introduces students to Dispute Resolution (DR) theory and practice, providing an overview of contemporary DR systems (including litigation, negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, and blended processes). Legal and professional issues arising out of DR developments are analysed.
MFA801 Dissertation
The dissertation is carried out by students in an area of their choice related to the discipline of forensic accounting and forensic auditing. Each student is required to apply their acquired knowledge and skills to a project that is motivated by a real-world challenge(s) in forensic accounting and fraud investigations.