Duration 1 year
Actual Credit Load 324
Minimum Credit Load 270
Maximum Credit Load 340
The course is designed to provide students with the requisite baseline knowledge of the discipline that ultimately will translate into informed effective decision‐making in a situation of humanitarian response and disaster management settings. Threats to human security come in forms such as natural disasters (environmental, hydro-meteorological, geological, biological) and man-made disasters (technological, war, biological weapons, terrorist attacks, genocide, and political violence, among others). This programme examines the nexus between humanitarian response and disaster management while imparting students with skills on how to appropriately respond to disaster situations. The programme aims to capacitate students to conduct informed research that promotes effective management of humanitarian emergency and disaster managem
At least a 2.1 pass in any relevant social science degree programme
Area of Study
Humanitarian Emergency and Disaster Risk Management
The programme intends to provide a general concept in the dimensions of natural and man-made disasters. The programme examines tools and theories with regard to human security before, during and post-disaster. It focuses on the interconnection between humanitarian emergencies and disaster management.
a) Theoretical Constructs
Modules in the programme focus on typologies of disaster, impact, information and documentation system, management cycle and framework of management, vulnerable population, human security intervention techniques, and research methodologies.
b) Practical Methods
The programme focuses on different research methodologies, philosophies and approaches that unpack the phenomena of disaster and management, which encourages students to think critically and coherently about human security.
Specialist Focus
Humanitarian Emergency and Disaster Management
Research and innovation-oriented. Teaching, learning and research focus are instrumental in empowering students. The programme also equips students with theoretical and practical concepts in the area of humanitarian emergency and disaster management.
Distinctive features
The programme focuses on knowledge, development and application of a student-centred approach.
The Diploma enhances career opportunities in both the public and private sectors such as;
- Research and consultancy,
- Teaching and lecturing,
- Non- Non-Governmental Organisations.
- Government institutions
Further studies
Master’s in Humanitarian Emergency and Disaster Management and/PhD in Disaster and Human Security/Peace Studies
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures, tutorials, seminars, group work, group discussions, field visits presentations, public lectures, practicals, guest lecturers, lecture notes.
Assessment Methods
Continuous supervision and assessment, tests and written examination.
On successful completion of the course, students must be able to:
- Conceptualise and describe disaster management and humanitarian emergency, and related terms and theories under this programme.
- Promote permanent defence and safety against natural and or human-induced disasters
- Assess the impacts of disaster on people’s whole spectrum of life
- develop disaster risk reduction and emergency response training programmes in conjunction with relevant partners for human security thrust.
- Use appropriate research methods to create new insights into humanitarian emergency and disaster management.
- Develop new disaster and human security management models and initiatives, policies and practices that enhance organisational effectiveness.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the key issue areas of humanitarian emergency and disaster management;
- Evaluate local and international efforts to protect human security;
- Appreciate the methodological, logistical and conceptual challenges for research on human security issues.
DHEDM 501 Introduction to Humanitarian Emergency and Disaster Risk Management 18
DHEDM 502 Dimensions of Disasters in a Changing World 18
DHEDM 503 Response, Recovery and Rehabilitation 18
DHEDM 504 Research Methods 18
DHEDM 505 Information & Documentation Systems in Disasters 18
DHEDM 506 Poverty, War and Human Security 18
DHEDM 507 Disaster Displacement andVulnerable Populations in Africa 18
DHEDM 508 State, Civil Society and Disaster Management 18
DHEDM 601 DisasterPPreparedness and Vulnerability Reduction 18
DHEDM 602 Media and Disaster Management 18
DHEDM 603 Drought, Famine and Food Security 18
DHEDM 604 Gender Issues in Disaster Management 18
DHEDM 605 Disaster Prevention and Preparedness 18
DHEDM 606 Research Project 36
DHEDM 607 Disaster and Health Dynamics 18
DHEDM 608 Disaster Management Monitoring and Evaluation 18
DHEDM 609 Counselling in Disaster Situations 18
DHEDM 501 Introduction to Humanitarian Emergency and Disaster Risk Management
The module introduces students to the underpinning concepts of disasters and humanitarian emergencies in local communities and beyond. The module specifically focuses on introducing and developing knowledge concerning the causes and impacts of disasters and the mitigation of global issues around the events. Through this module, students are expected to appreciate disaster simulations and identify the different responsibilities of individuals and agencies during an emergency.
DHEDM 502 Dimensions of Disasters in a Changing World
The module identifies the topologies of hazards and their differences in occurrence and impact on human security. They are grouped as natural disasters (environmental, biological, hydro-meteorological and geological) as well as human-made disasters (technological: biological/chemical disasters as well as war).
DHEDM 503 Responses, Recovery and Rehabilitation
The module focuses on the preparedness and implementation of building back better the affected communities through relevant intervention strategies or programmes according to the typology of the hazard. The module equips the students to perceive preparedness as a great opportunity to ensure corrective actions towards human security.
DHEDM 504 Research Methods
The module introduces students to advanced qualitative and quantitative research methods in sync with disaster management and human security thrust.
DHEDM 505 Information and Documentation System in Disasters
The module explores the significance of emergency information management, disaster survival skills and lifeguarding information and communication, dissemination procedures, documentation process and documentation centres. It further considers victim recognition, rescue and first aid skills, legal, ethical and policy issues in disaster information and communication.
Electives (Choose Two)
DHEDM 506 Poverty, War, and Human Security
This module focuses on the causes and consequences of poverty and war from the viewpoint of human security. Furthermore, it acquaints students with the institutions and organisations, economic, social, political and military conditions that affect the opportunity and risk in the lives of everyone on this planet. It also identifies approaches to improve local and global institutions and organisations that assist in managing threats to human life across the globe.
DHEDM 507 Disaster Displacement and Vulnerable Populations in Africa
The module explores displacements and vulnerable groups of disasters. The module also unpacks disasters’ impact on environmental, socio-economic, physical, psychological and political dimensions.
DHEDM 508 State, Civil Society and Disaster Management
The module examines the interaction between state and civil society organizations in responding to disaster events. Changes in geo-political and economic order are discussed given intervention into a disaster-affected context, resultant reconstruction and mitigation strategies and their implications as far as international policy is concerned.
LEVEL: Semester 2
DHEDM 601 Disaster Preparedness and Vulnerability Reduction
The module focuses on basic principles of preparedness; getting informed, emergency planning and checklists, simulation and maintaining disaster preparedness plans according to the nature of the disasters. It focuses on disaster preparedness in selected regional communities as well as challenges in disaster preparedness and vulnerability Reduction.
DHEDM 602 Media and Disaster Management
The module focuses on the potential of the media in escalating and de-escalating crises in crisis epochs. The module also takes students through the best practices of media reporting by focusing on the tools and techniques that can be employed to further their emergency response missions.
DHEDM 603 Drought, Famine and Food Security
The module focuses on famine issues and their impact on human security. It assesses various types of drought, factors causing drought and the impacts. It also explores factors that lead to famine as well as societies’ mitigatory and coping strategies.
DHEDM 604 Gender Issues in Disaster Management
The module focuses on how women and men are affected differently by disasters. It specifically focuses on the differentiated outcomes of disaster impacts. It also focuses on how gender inequality influences the way women and men react, are impacted and recover from disasters.
DHEDM 605 Disaster Prevention and Preparedness
The module explores emergencies, risks and disasters in a community and focuses on the mitigation and implementation of methods to reduce natural and man-made crises. It pays attention to the local conditions that cause and complicate human security. The focus is also on human rights, national security, human security or economic development. It explores disaster response and effective ways to tackle crises.
DHEDM 606 Research Project
Students shall carry out research on a topic of their own choice with the scope of disaster management and human security-related issues. The maximum length of the dissertation should be 10 000-15 000 words.
Electives (Choose Two)
DHEDM 607 Disaster and Health Dynamics
This module considers what is involved in an emergency health area. It identifies risk factors for communicable diseases and the need for preservation of life and health. This involves medical professionals and relevant local and international supporting stakeholders. It also explores related diseases, control and handling, nature of challenges and constraints faced by disaster management personnel during and after a disaster.
DHEDM 608 Disaster Management Monitoring and Evaluation
The module provides the students with skills to identify the causality between intervention, public policy and its results.
DHEDM 609 Counselling in Disaster Situations
The module focuses on equipping students in disaster response and crisis counselling. It traces the immediate aftermath of a tragedy needs through imparting knowledge on safety and stabilisation. It also discusses psychological intervention strategies and the counsellors’ roles and responsibilities as members of an emergency management response team during a local, regional, or national disaster as a human security measure.