Duration: 18 months
Actual Credit Load: 270
Minimum Credit Load: 270
Maximum Credit Load: 316
Maximum MBKs Credit Load: 316
ZNQF Level: 9
Purpose of the programme
The programme prepares students to develop a critical appreciation of how to manage Peace, Security and Development issues.
This unique M.Sc programme provides students and professionals with comprehensive knowledge and skills on issues of sustainable development and peace
The programme is designed in an integrated way and encourages critical awareness which is a pre-requisite for creative thinking.
Entry Requirements
Normal Entry: An Honours degree in Peace and Security Studies, International Relations, Politics, Development Studies, or any relevant Social Science Degree or qualification with a pass of an upper second class (2.1) or better.
Applicants possessing lower degree class may be considered on condition that they submit verifiable evidence of a minimum of two years of working experience.
The programme is 18 months long and intends to equip students with both academic and practical skills that enable them to work in the Peace, Security and Development fields through research and academic studies.
Areas of study Theories for peace security and development, Gender peace and development, Research methods and Statistics, Disaster management, Governance and Development in Africa, Peace Economics and Development, Conflict analysis and transformation, Migration and Human Security, Human Rights and Social Justice for Development, Security Intelligence, Diplomacy, Youth Conflict and Development, Transnational Organised Crimes, Dissertation and Crisis Monitoring and Early Warning Systems.
Specialist focus Peace, Security and Development with an emphasis on theory and community engagement.
Orientation Research and innovation-oriented. Teaching and learning are professionally oriented and focused on theory and practice in peace, security and development.
Distinctive features The programme builds the research-technology-innovation continuum and focuses on knowledge development and application using a student-centred approach.
Diplomat; Field Officer; Non-profit Director; Development, Communication Specialist; Press Officer; Policy Officer; Legal Advocate; Conflict Resolution Expert; Consultant; Human Resources and Trauma Specialist; or Researcher.
Lectures, tutorials, seminars, group work, presentations, public lectures, practicals, guest lecturers, and lecture notes.
On successful completion of this programme the graduate will be able to:
- Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of peace, security and development that will enable organisations to achieve both operational and strategic goals.
- Ability to apply resourcing strategies which encompass peace and development.
- To use appropriate conflict resolution strategies such as mediation, and negotiation that address conflict and disputes in the organisation.
- To create human capital development programmes that improve and sustain organisational performance through.
- Ability to innovate and apply cost management tools and techniques to increase development in the communities.
7.1 The Master of Science in Peace Security and Development Degree is an 18-month programme.
Continuous Assessment: Written assignments, workshop reports, seminar and group presentations, in-class tests, and any other relevant assessments contribute 40% to the final mark.
Written Examinations: End-of-semester examinations constitute 60% of the final mark.
Level 1 Semester1
CODE Module Description Credits
MPSD 701 Theories for Peace Security and Development 18
MPSD 702 Gender Peace and Development 18
MPSD 703 Research Methods and Statistics 18
MPSD 704 Disaster Management 18
Electives (Choose One)
Level 1 Semester 1
MPSD 705 Governance and Development in Africa 18
MPSD 706 Peace Economics and Development 18
Level 1 Semester 2
CODE Module Description Credits
MPSD 710 Conflict Analysis and Transformation 18
MPSD 711 Migration and Human Security 18
MPSD 712 Human Rights and Social Justice for Development 18
MPSD 713 Security Intelligence 18
MPSD 714 Diplomacy 18
Electives (Choose One)
Level 1 Semester 2
MPSD 715 Youth Conflict and Development 18
MPSD 716 Transnational Organised Crimes 18
Level 2 Semester 1
CODE Module Description Credits
MPSD 801 Dissertation 90
MPSD 802 Crisis Monitoring and Early Warning Systems 18
MPSD 701Theories for Security and Development
The module explores the theoretical approaches and strategies for peace, security, development and practice. It also introduces students to key theoretical and practical issues and debates in peace, security and development. The module traces the history of key components as new sub-disciplines and highlights global developments that continue to make it dynamic and relevant.
MPSD 702Gender, Peace and Development
This module examines the theoretical approaches to gender peace and development, development theory, and feminist critiques. It examines gendered expectations and power relations in conflict and peace processes. The varied roles played by men and women in peacebuilding processes are also explored.
MPSD 703Research Methods and Statistics
The module helps students to develop advanced research methods in peace and development problems to assist them in generating qualitative and quantitative solutions based on practical evidence. The module equips students with practical research skills and advanced methodological expertise needed to come up with scientific answers to peace and developmental problems and to feed these answers into the policy process. The students will be able to apply relevant statistical methods in addressing peace and development problems.
MPSD 704Disaster Management
This module explores issues of disaster, conflict governance and global policy perspectives for disaster risk reduction. It focuses on the adaptation and transformation of societies that are affected by human-made and natural disasters. The module also critically analyses participatory disaster governance, the role of decentralization of disaster resources and responsibilities and best practice principles in preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery.
MPSD 705Governance and Development in Africa
The module examines aspects of the structures and processes of regional governance, especially within the African continent. This module also takes a comprehensive and critical look at international development examining what it has accomplished in the twentieth century and what form it should take in the twenty-first century. The module broadly explores major debates and theories of peace, governance and development paying particular attention to the dialectics of their relationships.
MPSD 706Peace Economics and Development
The module introduces students to the state’s institutional and structural arrangements, decision-making processes, and policy formation and implementation. The module will explore the importance of peace in any country and its usefulness in the economic development of any society. It acknowledges the link between an inclusive democratic government to a peaceful and economically stable society. The module examines the linkage between peace, economy and development.
MPSD 710 Conflict Analysis and Transformation
The module introduces students to the principle approaches of conflict analysis and transformation. The module will discuss the extensiveness of conflict in human existence and engage students in conflict transformation approaches. The module will rely on case studies and simulations to help students engage directly and better grasp the different theoretical approaches. The students will emerge from the module with knowledge of the central paradigms and concepts of conflict analysis and transformation.
MPSD 711 Migration and Human Security
The module will explore the impact of experience faced by migrants and communities involved in migration, both in sending, receiving and transit states. In this module, all seven essential areas will be discussed on how they are affected or how they are affected by migration. The module will be framed by concepts of human security, and theoretical and conceptual methodologies to the general welfare of forced migrants.
MPSD 712 Human Rights and Social Justice For Development
The module explores the concepts of social justice and human rights which interrelate. The module focuses on various problems that arise in particular socio-economic, cultural or religious contexts and it also unravels the effects or impact of human rights abuse and social injustice in different societies. Students shall also gain knowledge and understanding of various social perspectives on human rights and develop anti-discriminatory practices to promote humans in communities.
MPSD 713Security Intelligence
The module looks at global politics and diplomacy in the 21st century which are increasingly underpinned by questions of security, both as a threat and as policy. The module allows for the development of specialist knowledge and application. Furthermore, the module helps to prepare graduates for careers in foreign and other ministries, international organisations, international journalism and global civil society organisations or for further research.
MPSD 714 Diplomacy
The module introduces the student to diplomatic skills that are used in ending conflict. It introduces students to both Western and African indigenous ways of diplomacy. Emphasis will be placed on the modern pioneering influence of diplomacy through the Treaty of Westphalia, Congress of Vienna and Paris Peace Conference to contemporary diplomatic practice.
MPSD 715Youth Conflict and Development
The module focuses on the role that the youth play in conflict and peace processes. Their involvement in violent conflict, and peace-building processes as well as their potential contribution to the socio-economic and political development of Africa is examined.
MPSD 716Transnational Organised Crimes
This module analyses the changing aspects, international legal documentation and best practices to avert Transnational Organised Crimes such as smuggling, human, arms and drug trafficking etc. The course also seeks to analyse national, regional and international strategies to investigate such crime and prosecute offenders. The module gives students a broad understanding of current forms and features of transnational organised crime and related international conventions.
MPSD 801Dissertation
Students carry out research on a topic of their choice concerning pertinent issues in Peace Security and Development under the guidance of a Supervisor. Students shall research a topic of their choice concerning pertinent issues in peace, security, development-related issues. The minimum length of the dissertation should be 20 000 – 40 000 words.
MPSD 802 Crisis Monitoring and Early Warning Systems
This module provides an introduction to the multiple facets of crisis monitoring and the fundamentals of early warning system designs, development and implementation. The module explores issues of using monitoring and early warning systems in enterprise conflict management with a focus on Peace and Development. It emphasises the need to monitor crisis indicators to enable a conflict-free, progressive community.
- MPhil in Peace and Security
- MPhil in Leadership and Governance
- MPhil in Human Rights and Social Justice
- DPhil in Peace and Security
- DPhil in Leadership and Governance
- DPhil in Human Rights and Social Justice