- Overview
- Career Opportunities
- Programme Structure
Duration: 18 Months
Credit Load: 306
Minimum Credit Load: 270
Maximum Credit Load: 340
ZNQF Level: 9
- The programme aims to enhance the knowledge and conceptual understanding in areas of gender, conflict and peace.
- Provision of comprehensive
Normal Entry: A 2.1 pass in BSc Honours Peace and Security Studies or related fields
Special Entry: A general degree and any other qualification line with the Zimbabwe National Qualifications Framework (ZNQF)
- Areas of Study: Gender, Conflict Human Security, Human Displacement, Representation and institutionalisation of Violence and Peace.
- Specialist Focus: Gender, Conflict and Peace.
- Orientation: Research, Tutoring and Learning are oriented with a focus on Practical Aspects.
Distinctive Features: The programme builds the research-technology-innovation-management continuum and focuses on knowledge development using a student-centred approach
Career Opportunities
Career Prospects: Humanitarian officers, Government officers, Intelligence officers and analysts, Policy officers, and Civil service officers.
Further Studies: Doctoral in Gender, Peace and Security Studies
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lectures, Group research and discussions and individual study
Assessment Methods: Oral presentations, written assignments, and Tests.
- Have broad knowledge and conceptualization in the areas of Gender, Peace and Conflict that are relevant to various careers.
- The ability to analyse and create responses for Gender issues in Conflict escalation and the reconstruction of Peace through the use of theories and methodologies with a gender lens.
- Demonstrate conceptualisation on the issues of Gender in Conflicts and Post-Conflict and the applicability of such issues globally.
- Evaluate the global, continental and regional legal and policy frameworks on gender and peace.
- Application of gender-based theoretical frameworks and methodologies in the understanding of peace and security.
7.1 The Master of Science in Gender and Peace Studies Degree is an 18 months programme
Continuous Assessment: Written assignments, workshop reports, seminar and group presentations, in-class tests, and any other relevant assessments contribute 40% to the final mark.
Written Examinations: End-of-semester examinations constitute 60% of the final mark.
Programme Structure
Level 1 Semester 1
MPG 701 Theories and Concepts of Gender 18
MPG 702 Gender and Security Sector 18
MPG 703 Gender, Peace and Security 18
MPG 704 Research Methods in Gender, Peace and Security 18
MPG 705 Religion, Gender and Ethics in Africa 18
MPG 706 Human Security and Displacement 18
Level 1 Semester 2
MPG 707 Migration, Citizenship and Conflict 18
MPG 708 Gender, Conflict and Media 18
MPG 709 Gender Rights and International Law 18
MPG 710 Religion, Gender and Ethics in Africa 18
MPG 711 Women, Peace and Security 18
Level 2 Semester 1
MPG 815 Dissertation 90
Level 1 Semester 1
MPG 701 Theories and Concepts of Gender
This module focuses on key debates in gender studies. It also explores historical feminist theories and contributions of notable to contemporary feminist thought. The module aims to provide students with skills to be able to transfer these concepts/ideas to contemporary issues thereby highlighting the interconnectedness of feminist philosophy and practice.
MPG 702 Gender, and Security Sector
The module seeks to provide students with an understanding of how the relationships and roles of men and women are affected by conflict. It also assesses how gender impacts conflict dynamics in peacekeeping, peace-making and peacebuilding. The module also seeks to provide military, police and civilian personnel with the knowledge and skills of operational-level planning, coordination and conduct in the promotion of gender mainstreaming in Peace Operations.
MPG 703 Gender, Peace and Security
The module will focus on the interconnectedness of security, peace and gender issues exploring the events that are unfolding in the international relations arena. The United Nations Security Council resolution 1325 recognises the nexus between gender peace and security matters hence the module will highlight women in the war between victimhood and empowerment, gender and peacekeeping, feminist approaches to Transitional Justice and Women in media and post-conflict reconstruction.
MPG 704 Research Methods in Gender, Peace and Security
This module focuses on a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research methodology that reflects an interdisciplinary approach to gender peace and security studies. It focuses on research gaps relating to gender peace and security and possible solutions that foster sustainable development in societies.
MGP 705 Religion, Gender and Ethics in Africa
The module explores the correlation of themes on gender, religion and conflict in Africa. The module analyses the discourses of African women being victims of war and conflict and how indigenous religions have been ostracised. The module will focus on the relationship between gender studies, religious studies and ethics on how African women have used the context to wage war or ensure peace.
MPG 706 Human Security and Displacement
The module highlights the issue of governance of forced migration with a major impetus on refugees and their experiences. The module will identify various dynamic factors responsible for forced displacement. The module will also look at the associations of refugees, international society and the international order with a major emphasis on refugee agencies’ human rights and refugee law. The significance of gender identities, roles and relations will be undertaken and the protracted nature of refugees to current frameworks and approaches.
Level 1 Semester 2
MPG 707 Migration, Citizenship and Conflict.
The module focuses on issues of transnationalism, migration and development. It specifically examines the dynamics of refugees, citizenship, integration and cultural diversity through the exploration of migration processes and their consequences in contemporary societies. Students will also explore governance and rights that are related to migrants.
MPG 708 Gender, Conflict and Media
The module analyses the media’s function and context of the media fraternity in conflict regions. It will elaborate on issues and debates on the media and crisis communication and also underscore the difference between conventional reporting. The module focuses on how the media’s role can influence conflict escalation, prevention and peacebuilding globally and how to harness the Issue of Gender.
MPG 709 Gender Rights and International Law
This module focuses on Students on post-conflict legal mechanisms governing peacekeeping, peacebuilding, peace agreements, transitional justice and women, peace and security from a gender perspective. The module also focuses on feminist protest, law reform and legal reform and the involvement of women in post-conflict from war to peace.
MPG 710
MPG 711 Peace, Leadership and Governance
The module Peace Leadership and Governance aim at equipping students with conceptual and practical skills about peace and conflict. It specifically handles the intrinsic, dynamic relationship between peace, politics, governance, and democracy. The module explores the history of leadership styles from traditional to contemporary styles of governance and analyses their advantages and disadvantages in conflict prevention. The students are equipped to diagnose various modes of leadership and governance. The module also aims to assess the various leadership etiquettes of governance and whether they are transparent and foster democracy to ensure stability within states. In a way, the analysis would also make the students decide on the best leadership practices to preserve and maintain peace. The module also examines different modes of leadership in the context of progress and peace. It underscores issues and dilemmas prompted by democracy in Africa with specific reference to good governance, poverty alleviation and development concerning matters of evaluation and monitoring of governance of human rights.
MPG 815 Dissertation
Students are expected to research a topic of their choice concerning pertinent issues in Gender and Peace studies under the guidance of a supervisor.