Duration: 18 months
Actual Load: 288
Minimum Credit Load: 270
Maximum Credit Load: 360
Maximum MBKs credit Load: 216
ZNQF Level: 9
To provide both learners and practising human capital professionals with advanced knowledge and in-demand skills that enhance their capabilities to solve complex business challenges through the development and retention of human capital.
Normal Entry: An Honours degree in human resource management, Human Resource Development or Employment Relations, any relevant social science degree or qualification with a pass of an upper second class (2.1) or better.
Applicants possessing lower degree class may be considered on condition that they submit verifiable evidence of a minimum of two years of working experience.
The programme is 18 months long and intends to equip students with both academic and practical skills that enable them to work in the Human Capital Development (HCD) field through research and academic studies.
Human Resource Manager, Human Resource Development Manager, Human Resource Development Consultancy, Academia, Training Officer,
Further Education: DPhil studies in HRM, and Human Resource Development
Lectures, tutorials, seminars, group work, presentations, public lectures, practicals, guest lecturers, and lecture notes.
Level 1 Semester 1
Code Module Description Credits
MHCD 750 Foundations in Human Capital Development 18
MHCD 751 Human Capital Development Policies and Practices 18
MHCD 752 Talent Management and Career Planning 18
MHCD 753 Leadership & Management Development 18
MHCD 740 Research Methodology and Statistics 18
Level 1 Semester 2
MHCD 755 Human Capital & Organisation Development 18
MHCD 756 Technology and Human Capital Metrics 18
MHCD 757 Organisational Learning & Knowledge Management 18
MHCD 758 Instructional Design 18
MHCD 735 Ethics and Corporate Governance 18
Level 2 Semester 1
MHCD 851 Strategic Human Capital Development 18
MHCD 852 Dissertation 90
MHCD 750Foundations in Human Capital Development
While the module generally extends learners’ appreciation of the principles in human resource management, it specifically introduces them to the philosophical and theoretical foundations underpinning human capital development and how their relevance to the real industry world.
MHCD 751Human Capital Development Policies and Practices
In this module students will be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively develop human capital development plans, practices, policies and programmes in the context of global market and Zimbabwe in particular. Students will also review practical situations and get the chance to practise a range of human capital development practices.
MHCD 752Talent Management and Career Planning
The module extends learners’ understanding of the importance of talent and career management in achieving organisational success. It equips learners with knowledge of the current international talent and career management trends and practices as drivers for effective human capital development.
MHCD 753Leadership and Management Development
The module focused on how leaders and managers in organisations can play a vital role in developing and shaping the careers of their staff. The course focus on how leadership theory, style and practices shape the development of human capital. The focus will also be on leadership complexities and how they impact human capital development in organisations.
MHCD 740Research Methodology and Statistics
The module serves as a thorough grounding for practical research in Social Sciences. It will encompass computers in the analysis of research findings. Students will gain a deeper appreciation of qualitative ethnographic research methods and quantitative statistical analysis. Students will be exposed to various types of research such as evaluation research, action research, case studies, ethnography etc. Students will also gain insight on how to publish research findings.
MHCD 755 Human Capital and Organisation Development
The focus of this module is to facilitate student’s appreciation of the symbiotic interaction between human resource development and organisation development and it influences organisational effectiveness. Students will be allowed to analyse various human capital development policies and strategies related to various OD interventions for the enhancement of organisational effectiveness.
MHCD 756Technology and Human Capital Metrics
The module extends learners’ understanding of human resource metrics and analytics. In particular this module helps participants to apply various technologies in implementing, measuring and evaluating specific human capital development interventions in supporting strategic business decisions.
MHCD 757Organisational Learning and Knowledge Management
In this module, students develop an understanding of how organisational learning and knowledge management impact human capital development and organisational sustainability.
MHCD 758Instructional Design
This module advances learners’ knowledge and skills in developing learning strategies and designing instructional and educational tools for specific workplace learning individuals and groups. The module specifically helps learners to design, implement and evaluate effective instructional materials for diverse work settings.
MHCD 735 Ethics and Corporate Governance
The module explores the concept of ethics in management. It will analyse the question of ethics in all HR activities, the link between ethics in HR and employee relations, the link between ethics in corporate governance and organizational performance
MHCD 831Strategic Human Capital Development
This module introduces students to Strategic Human Capital Development. The course focuses on aligning human capital development with the strategic direction of the organisation. In the module, learners will be given opportunities to come up with strategies on how to solve human capital development problems affecting industry today. By doing so, learners will develop the skills necessary to support the organisational strategy and its effectiveness.
MHCD 852Dissertation
This module primarily consolidates learners’ knowledge of research methodology and protocols through engaging in independent data collection, presentation and analysis and production of a publishable dissertation report.
- MPhil in Human Resource Management
- MPhil in Human Capital Development
- DPhil in Human Resource Management
- DPhil in Human Capital Development