Professor Chipo Hungwe

Executive Dean

Professor Chipo Hungwe profile

Professor Thomas Marambanyika

Deputy Dean Faculty of Social Sciences

Professor Thomas Marambanyika profile

Dean’s message

The Faculty of Social Sciences is a vibrant, innovative and multicultural community where creativity, innovation and diversity are prioritised. The Faculty of Social Sciences prepares students for critical citizenship in a rapidly changing world that demands versatility and creativity.

We offer programmes that develop students into global-minded citizens with the skills to provide services and tackle challenges of the global world. Our Education 5.0 driven education stresses the importance of scientific research in finding sustainable solutions for our nation and the world.

The Faculty assures students the following:

Growth – Social Sciences programmes assist individuals to be analytical, innovative, creative, problem-solving and think outside the box.

Professionalism and Support – As a Faculty, we take pride in the services we render, our staff are always ready to assist or refer students to the correct offices for assistance.

Students are encouraged to utilise their time here to engage fully with the academic material and learn and network as much as possible in preparation for life beyond MSU. As Social Scientists we look forward to the future with its challenges and opportunities and hope to put the University on the global academic map joining the ranks of notable international academic institutions.


To be an academic centre of excellence that produces world class, innovative and enterprising social scientists who contribute to human progress.


We nurture vibrant, critical, analytical and innovative graduates who provide heritage-based interventions for sustainable societies.


We value our Honesty, Integrity, Hard Work, Respect, Diversity and Care for others.


Click here to view researches in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
