Our academic staff are nationally and internationally recognised as experts in their chosen fields and are also noted for the excellent skills and knowledge they provide to students through teaching, research, innovation, community engagement and entrepreneurship attributes that lead to industrialization. Located on the Gweru main campus, the Department of Chemical Sciences, houses some of the state of the art equipment used for material characterisation by students and the academic staff. The Department offers one undergraduate course, one taught MSc programme, MPhil and DPhil research degrees, the content of which are informed by the needs of the chemical industries and society. Our undergraduate students are placed in various chemical industries during their third year to enhance their practical skills through hands on experience on real scenarios. The Department is also active in research and enterprise with academic staff and research students engaged in many high profile and important research projects that continue to have a real world impact in such vital areas as energy, environment, materials, medicinal chemistry and drug design. The Department has many collaborations with various institutions across the globe such as University of Johannesburg and University of Cambridge. The Department has managed to secure high profile external research grants from the Royal Society, the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS). The Department also produced a patent for coal tar modification using silicon nanoparticles for road surfacing.
To be a unique, research and development-driven Department that produces innovative and enterprising chemical technologists for socio-economic development
To produce a broad range of specialized chemical technologies capable to work effectively in industry and research as well as creating their own employment.
- Master of Philosophy in Chemistry Degree
- Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry Degree
Visit Porous Materials Research Group
Visit Drug Discovery and Informatics Research Group
- Electrochemistry (Electrochemical sensors)
- Functional materials (Metal Organic Frame Works)
- Environmental, analysis, monitoring and remediation
- Computational chemistry and drug design
- Process flow chemistry and organic synthesis
- Catalysis
- Natural Product/Medicinal Chemistry
Click below link to access department repository
The Chairperson
Department of Chemical Sciences
Midlands State University
P Bag 9055
+263-54-2260331, 2260416, 2260417, 2260431, 2260450, 2260476 ext 2304