Duration: 1 ½ years
Minimum Credit Load : 270
Maximum Credit Load : 330
Maximum MBKs Credit Load : 234
ZNQF Level: 9
To enrich education professionals with deep analytical skills in pedagogical issues which relate to the Sociology of Education by equipping them with theoretical background and practical skills which will enable them to deal with educational challenges in the field of education.
Normal Entry
Bachelor of Education degree from an accredited and recognised institution or Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Graduate Diploma in Education or Graduate Certificate in Education.
Areas of study:
Educational Sociology
Specialist Focus
Understanding how human behaviour is shaped by social factors and education’s role in driving social change and innovation.
A distinct emphasis on understanding the dynamics of social order and social problems and their impact on education. Transformation of the teaching and learning experience through innovative methods and strategies.
Distinctive Features:
Employability: Graduates who complete the programme can expect to be employed as lecturers in tertiary institutions, consultants in a variety of private enterprises, including NGOs and other humanitarian organisations, curriculum planners, policy architects, training specialists, education consultants and board members in government departments and international organisations researchers in social issues and innovative solutions and enrol for PhD studies.
Further Studies: Master’s and Doctoral studies in Educational Sociology.
Level 1 Semester 1
CODE Module Description Credits
MEDSS711 Sociological Theories of Education 18
MEDSS712 Sociology and Innovation 18
MED731 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics 18
MICT732 Advanced Information Communication Technology in
Education 18
MEDSS713 Morality, Education and Innovation 18
Level 1 semester 2
MEDSS714 Culture and Education 18
MEDSS715 Social Deviance, Criminality and Social Control 18
MEDSS716 Sociology of the School 18
MEDSS717 Social Pathology and Education 18
FED132 Financial Management in Educational Institutions 18
Level 2 semester 1
MEDSS718 Education and Development in the Third World 18
MED733 Gender Discourse in Education 18
MED733 Dissertation 90
One Elective module from areas other than Educational Sociology and Social Pathology selected from the following:
MEDIP718 Guidance, Counselling and Innovation 18
MEPCP 718 Critical Thinking and Education 18
MEDSS711 Sociological Theories of Education
This module introduces students to theoretical perspectives in Sociology as a discipline. In the course students are introduced to macro theories (Marxism, Functionalism, Postcolonialism, and Feminism) and micro theories (Symbolic interactionism and phenomenology). Critical analysis of the development of Sociology as a discipline is undertaken with special emphasis on social and intellectual forces that spurred the development of the discipline. The module looks at recent developments in sociology.
MEDSS712 Sociology and Innovation
This module interrogates theories of innovation as well as structural arrangements of the social spaces in which innovation takes place, and characteristics of social networks, organisations, and institutions that influence innovation. The module is grounded on Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy The influence of social networks, ethnicity, and societal needs on innovation will be interrogated.
MED731 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
The module seeks to develop postgraduate students’ knowledge in the following areas of educational research: the different philosophical orientations in research; research paradigms; theoretical and conceptual frameworks; research designs; data collection methodologies; advanced quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques; as well as discussion of findings and making conclusions. The module also introduces students to significant educational research problems whose resolution has a potential to contribute to knowledge in educational areas such as pedagogy and assessment, as well as in sustainable development issues such as health, poverty eradication, environmental awareness, etc.
MICT732 Advanced Information Communication Technology in Education
This module helps students to acquire advanced specialist theoretical and practical knowledge of ICTs in educational environments. The topics covered include Models of ICT curriculum integration, educational ICT policy development, current and emerging issues in digital learning, contemporary learning design theories and frameworks, and framing assessment within 21st century contexts, ICT in educational research, among others.
MEDSS713 Morality, Education and Innovation
The module is intended to introduce students to issues and discourses on morality and education. Topics to be discussed include ethics, empathy, mutual respect and honesty as well as civic rights pertaining to morality. Students should be able to appreciate and interrogate current moral problems and challenges facing society.
MEDSS714 Culture and Education
The module looks at the relationship between culture and academic achievement. Students are required to analyse aspects of culture such as sub culture and multiculturalism. Sociological theories are also utilised to interrogate the concept of culture with an emphasis on the presence of cultural diversity in society. Students are expected to come up with strategies that education can utilise to accommodate learners from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.
MEDSS715 Social Deviance, Criminality and Social Control
The module focuses on the concept’s criminality and social deviance. Theories of deviance include the differential association theory, the cultural strain theory, the conflict theory and the labelling theory. Factors contributing to deviance as well as strategies for social control will be discussed.
MEDSS716 Sociology of the School.
This module focuses on the Sociology of the School and in particular the manner in which schools are organised. Students are exposed to the study of the school as a formal organisation using Weber’s bureaucratic model. Interaction patterns within the school and the impact of these patterns on relationships within the school are examined.
MEDSS717 Social Pathology and Education
The module examines the link between social problems and education. Topics to be studied include educational problems brought on by pandemics, and the changing economic, religious and political spheres and this impacts the changes in education. Challenges brought about by social inequality, social mobility and disability also be interrogated.
FED132 Financial Management in Educational Institutions
The module introduces financial management practices followed in schools and other educational institutions across Faculty disciplines. It considers basic accounting concepts and conventions, including the double entry system of recording business transactions, preparation of general-purpose financial statements, bank reconciliation statements, and skills of budgeting and budgetary control as well as accounting requirements of Treasury Instructions such as the School Services Fund, the General-Purpose Fund and School Development Association Funds.
MEDSS718 Education Social and Economic Development in Third World Countries
This module is anchored in the Sociology of Development. In the module, students are exposed to challenges faced by developing nations in initiating development trajectories. In this regard, students are exposed to different theories in development discourse. These theories include modernisation theory, underdevelopment theory as well as dependency theory. The emphasis is to enable students to appreciate the diverse challenges encountered by developing countries in the implementation of development programmes.
MED733 Gender Discourse in Education
The module explores fundamental perspectives in Gender Studies to address historical gender inequalities in society and Education in particular. It inculcates a critical analysis of the concept “gender,” its historical development and ideologies that perpetuate gender differences. The module explores implications for sustainable development goals on gender, education and development. It also explores gender inequalities in STEM as one of the pillars of development.
MED744 Dissertation
The Dissertation is a research study carried out over two semesters by each postgraduate student under the guidance of a supervisor. Students are expected to apply their knowledge and skills in conducting research on contemporary educational and social issues in their area of specialisation. Students are encouraged to conduct research which has the potential to contribute to knowledge and policies in education, and in social issues such as poverty, disaster and risk management, environmental conservation, etc. Students are expected to produce and submit a thesis that meets the standards of research work at Masters Level.
Elective Modules
MEDIP718 Guidance and Counselling for Innovation and Sustainability
This module is designed to impart a diversity of professional counselling techniques to students so that they will be better positioned to address human challenges such as psychological difficulties, academic failure, diseases and health issues, marital problems, unstable relationships, unemployment and various forms of abuse using innovative and sustainable guidance and counselling strategies.
MEPCP 718 Critical Thinking and Education
The course introduces students to the nature, characteristics and benefits of Critical Thinking. Students interrogate the place of critical thinking in education and explore the nexus between critical thinking, creativity and innovation. The course seeks to improve the quality of thinking in students, making critical thinking a way of life by developing specific critical thinking skills, attitudes and values, with a view to imparting the same to their students later.