Duration: 1 ½ years
Minimum Credit Load: 270
Maximum Credit Load: 300
Maximum MBKs Credit Load 234
ZNQF Level: 9
To develop in candidates a high level of awareness and understanding of early childhood development and equip them with sound teaching methods and skills to design and develop innovative instruction that can transform the teaching and learning experiences.
Normal Entry
Bachelor of Education degree in Early Childhood Development/ Education or an equivalent from an accredited and recognised institution.
Areas of study:
Master of Education Degree in Early Childhood Development and Child Protection.
Specialist Focus:
Early Childhood development concepts and their application to teaching and learning situations and social settings in innovative and creative ways with a focus on enhancing the holistic development of a fully functional individuals within the education sector and society at large.
The teaching and learning process is theoretically and practically driven by research and the quest for innovation and sustainable development. Particular attention is paid to the aspects of human development and the development of a balanced personality that can cope in the face of ever-changing societal demands and adverse life circumstances.
Employability: Graduates who complete the programme can expect to be employed as supervisors, lecturers, education inspectors curriculum developers, training consultants, researchers etc.
Further Studies: Master’s and Doctoral studies in Early Childhood Development and Child Protection.
Level 1 Semester 1
Code Module Description Credits
MECDP701 Theories of Child Development in Socio-Cultural Contexts 18
MECDP702 Curriculum Innovation and Industrialisation in Early Childhood
Development 18
MED731 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics 18
MICT732 Advanced Information Communication Technology in Education 18
MECDP703 Pertinent Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Development
Education 18
Level 1 Semester 2
MECDP704 Management of Early Childhood Programmes 18
MECDP705 Child Rights and Social Justice 18
MECDP706 Cross- Cultural Parenting Systems and Practices in Early
Childhood Development 18
MECDP707 Project Planning, Implementation and Evaluation in
Early Childhood Development 18
FED132 Financial Management in Educational Institutions 18
Level 2 semester 1
MECDP708 Social Budgeting for Diverse Socio- Cultural Contexts 18
MED733 Gender Discourse in Education 18
MECDP709 Internship and Community Development 18
MED744 Dissertation 90
MECDP701 Theories of Child Development in Socio- Cultural Contexts
The module enhances students’ mastery of theories of child development and learning in the early childhood phase. The module focuses on emerging issues such as proximodistal and cephalo-caudal developmental trends, the effect of adult-child relationship on an infant’s development, infant/toddler group care, culturally sensitively in child care settings and appropriate environments for positive infant and toddler development.
MECDP 702 Curriculum Innovation and Industrialisation in Early Childhood Development
The module exposes students to some of the fundamental theories and issues that must be considered in designing an ECD curriculum for innovation and industrialisation. It also informs students on contemporary issues that have a bearing on the early childhood curriculum.
MED731 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
The module seeks to develop postgraduate students’ knowledge in the following areas of educational research: the different philosophical orientations in research; research paradigms; theoretical and conceptual frameworks; research designs; data collection methodologies; advanced quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques; as well as discussion of findings and making conclusions. The module also introduces students to significant educational research problems whose resolution have the potential to contribute to knowledge in educational areas such as pedagogy and assessment, as well as in sustainable development issues such as health, poverty eradication, environmental awareness, etc.
MICT 732 Advanced Information Communication Technology in Education
This module helps students to acquire advanced specialist theoretical and practical knowledge of ICTs in educational environments. The topics covered include Models of ICT curriculum integration, educational ICT policy development, current and emerging issues in digital learning, contemporary learning design theories and frameworks, and framing assessment within 21st century contexts, ICT in educational research, among others.
MECDP 703 Pertinent Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Development
The module examines current policies in Early Childhood Development. It enables students’ understanding of contemporary issues such as incest, child abuse, natural disasters, pandemics and domestic violence, their impact and mitigation strategies.
MECDP 704 Management of Early Childhood Programmes
This module examines issues and responsibilities related to the management of early childhood development programmes. It enables students to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the management of programmes for young children. The module focuses on general theories and practices of management and supervision that will allow students to manage planning, organisation, curriculum evaluation, resources, finances and programmes in relation to Early Childhood Development.
MECDP 705 Child Rights and Social Justice
The module focuses on ‘social justice’ theories and upholding child rights in early childhood development. It examines the child rights conventions, laws and policies and obligations of various stakeholders such as governments, parents and Non-Governmental rganisations as defined in global human rights laws. It also analyses how these laws affect growth and development among children in normal and difficult circumstances.
MECDP 706 Cross- Cultural Parenting Systems and Practices in Early Childhood Development
This module seeks to guide students in the investigation and interrogation of parenting knowledge and practices in early childhood both traditional and comparativeto develop models for optimum development in children. Students explore how cultural practices and social policies complement each other in the development of children.
MECDP 707 Project Planning, Implementation and Evaluation in Early Childhood Development
This module equips students with skills to do market research, identify areas of need and choose meaningful projects which address the gaps in the market. The module also enhances students’ abilities to plan, manage and evaluate projects, hereby developing them to develop their entrepreneurial skills.
FED132 Financial Management in Educational Institutions
The module introduces financial management practices followed in schools and other educational institutions across faculty disciplines. It considers basic accounting concepts and conventions, including the double entry system of recording business transactions, preparation of general-purpose financial statements, bank reconciliation statements, and skills of budgeting and budgetary control as well as accounting requirements of Treasury Instructions such as the School Services Fund, the General-Purpose Fund and School Development Association Funds.
MECDP708 Social Budgeting for Diverse Socio-Cultural Contexts
The module helps students to examine various safety nets for children. It equips students with skills to plan for unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters and operates effectively during such times.
MED733 Gender Discourse in Education
The module explores fundamental perspectives in Gender Studies to address historical gender inequalities in society and Education in particular. It inculcates a critical analysis of the concept “gender,” its historical development and ideologies that perpetuate gender differences. The module explores implications for sustainable development goals on gender, education and development. It also explores gender inequalities in STEM as one of the pillars of development.
MECDP709 Internship and Community Development
The major aim of the module is to put theory into practice. The module exposes students to the applicability and relevance of the various modules studied by putting theory into practice. Dimensions of the internship include an internship workshop; attachment at an ECD-related institution and a Community Development Project. Students will acquire skills in assessment, monitoring, project planning, evaluation and community engagement to promote sustainable development and solve emerging societal challenges.
MED744 Dissertation
The Dissertation is a research study carried out over two semesters by each postgraduate student under the guidance of a supervisor. Students are expected to apply their knowledge and skills in conducting research on contemporary educational and social issues in their area of specialisation. Students are encouraged to conduct research which has the potential to contribute to knowledge and policies in education, and in social issues such as poverty, disaster and risk management, environmental conservation, etc. Students are expected to produce and submit a thesis that meets the standards of research work at Masters Level.