MICT732 Advanced Information Communication Technology in Education
This module helps students to acquire advanced specialist theoretical and practical knowledge of ICTs in educational environments. The topics covered include Models of ICT curriculum integration, educational ICT policy development, current and emerging issues in digital learning, contemporary learning design theories and frameworks, and framing assessment within 21st century contexts, ICT in educational research among others.
MED731 Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
The module seeks to develop postgraduate students’ knowledge in the following areas of educational research: the different philosophical orientations in research; research paradigms; theoretical and conceptual frameworks; research designs; data collection methodologies; advanced quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques; as well as discussion of findings and making conclusions. The module also introduces students to significant educational research problems whose resolution has the potential to contribute to knowledge in educational areas such as pedagogy and assessment, as well as in sustainable development issues such as health, poverty eradication, environmental awareness, etc.
MEHD731 Historiographical Issues in Zimbabwean History
The module examines the study of the writing of Zimbabwean History. It surveys major issues in the history of Zimbabwe. The major themes to be explored include ancient civilization, early European encounters and the arrival of the Matabeleland, British colonialism, self-government, UDI, guerrilla warfare and the attainment of majority rule. It shall also examine major historical issues in post-independent Zimbabwe.
MEHD732 Developmental Issues in African History Before 1900
The module examines the major themes in African historybefore1900. It also explores the political, social and economic history of African states; taking specific cases to illuminate general themes; we consider for example history of ancient Egypt and its socio-economic and political influence on Africa and world affairs. The module also considers early mercantile and social interaction between Africans and non-Africans and the resulting dilemma of conquest of most parts of Africa by 1900.
MEHD733 Curriculum and Pedagogical Issues in History Education
The module covers curriculum theory, design, implementation and evaluation as applied in the History curriculum. It also explores teaching approaches and techniques pertaining to the subject of History. It seeks to develop critical analytical skills among students focusing on current history curricula in Zimbabwe and even more widely. A detailed case study of the current competence-based curriculum in Zimbabwe should be undertaken.
MED743 Advanced Gender Studies in Education
The module explores fundamental perspectives in Gender Studies to address historical gender inequalities in society and Education in particular. It inculcates a critical analysis of the concept of gender, its historical development and ideologies that perpetuate gender differences. The module explores implications for sustainable development goals on gender, education and development. It also explores gender inequalities in STEM as one of the pillars of development.
FMED132 Advanced Financial Management in Educational Institutions
The module introduces financial management practices followed in schools and other educational institutions across Faculty disciplines. It considers basic accounting concepts and conventions, including the double entry system of recording business transactions, preparation of general-purpose financial statements, bank reconciliation statements, and skills of budgeting and budgetary control as well as accounting requirements of Treasury Instructions.
MEHD736 Contemporary African Affairs and Development
The module tackles the history of post-colonial Africa. It seeks an understanding of the transformations. Formations in the post-colonial African societies in relation to global and local processes. It interrogates the following themes: Successes and challenges of post-colonial states in Africa since independence, roles of regional and international organisations and external factors shaping post-colonial African history, causes of high levels of political violence in some African countries, and the role of Africa in the globalising world.
MEHD734 Political Economy of Colonialism and Independent Africa
The module considers the political and economic systems of colonial and imperial Africa. It examines the methods and implementation of political and economic hegemony by the mother countries (British, French, Portuguese and Germans) on different African systems. The module also examines the major political, social and economic themes of Independent Africa. It considers the intricate political dimensions within Africa today and its interactions with the global world.
MEHD735 Race Citizenship and Development in Africa
The module considers some of the main dimensions and discourses in which gender relations are crucial in understanding and analysing the phenomena of nations and nationalism, and the specific boundaries of inclusions and exclusions that they construct. It further analyses three major dimensions of nationalist projects that relate to citizenship, culture and origin using several theories such as the feminist literary theory, sociological, postmodern and poststructuralist theories.
MEHD737 Measurement and Evaluation in History Education
The module is designed to enable students to explain the nature and function of various assessment instruments used in the History curriculum. They are also expected to design and evaluate the various assessment instruments used at all levels of History education. The students are also expected to analyse the essential features of an effective and efficient assessment programme.
MEHD738 Contemporary World Affairs
The module tackles the history and culture of the contemporary world since 1945. It seeks to make a survey of world history from 1945 to the present with a particular focus on modern Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas, the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East. Emphasis will be placed on the various important political, economic, social, intellectual, cultural and religious changes that have shaped the development of world affairs and interaction since the end of World War 2.
MED734 Dissertation
The Dissertation is a research study carried out over two semesters by each postgraduate student under the guidance of a supervisor. Students are expected to apply their knowledge and skills in conducting research on contemporary educational and social issues in their area of specialisation. Students are encouraged to conduct research which has the potential to contribute to knowledge and policies in education, and in social issues such as poverty, disaster and risk management, environmental conservation, etc. Students are expected to produce and submit a thesis that meets the standards of research work at Masters Level.