The Faculty of education offers stimulating post and undergraduate degree programmes in Education that are enriched by stake holder consultations to ensure responsiveness to community needs. There are exciting teacher education programmes focusing on infant, junior primary, secondary and tertiary education and we pride ourselves in driving education in Zimbabwe and outside through our affiliate colleges that puts us at an international pedestal. At the student’s disposal are conventional, weekend school and Block release modes of entry. Our students are under the mentorship of distinguished academics.

 The Faculty responds locally and globally to Education for Sustainable Development through Education 5.0 As such, the Faculty is a site of peer reviewed modules, instructional design and assessment formats that facilitate production of graduates who are endowed with life sustaining competences in the highly competitive global environment. These competences include: problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, conflict management, team work and enterprise development among others. We operate at Gweru, Harare and Bulawayo campuses

The faculty is research-driven and prides itself in the contribution it makes to quality teacher preparation and capacitation, while fulfilling its mandate of producing high quality graduate teachers to staff schools in Zimbabwe and beyond through the following departments:

  • Educational Foundations, Primary Education and Pedagogy
  • Educational Policy Studies and Leadership
  • Humanities, Business Development and Arts Education
  • Science, Technology and Design Education.

Mission: To respond to local and global teacher education needs for sustainable development through value addition on what is readily available in the environment. To capacitate graduates with research skills that are impactful in problem solving and triggering policy formulation. To be relevant in a fast changing world.

Vision: The Faculty of Education envisions a robust teacher education system driven by a heritage based pedestal for sustainable development anchored on research.

Core Values: Excellence, Integrity, quality, dignity, sensitivity to gender, commitment, collaboration, innovation through research.

Click here to view researches in the Faculty of Education
