Duration |
2 years |
Credit Load |
396 |
Minimum Credit Load |
360 |
Maximum Credit Load |
430 |
Maximum MBKs Credit Load |
288 |
ZNQF Level |
9 |
1.1 These regulations shall be read in conjunction with the Faculty of Commerce Regulations and General Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Diplomas and Taught Masters Degrees offered by The Midlands State University herein referred to as General Regulations.
1.2 The degree shall be awarded to candidates who have successfully completed the programme and passed the examinations in accordance with regulations set in the Faculty Regulations.
2.1 The Master of Science in Strategic Management degree at the Midlands State University is a two-year programme for students with an undergraduate back ground in accounting, management, human resources and other equivalent qualifications. The programme is for students interested in careers in all facets of strategic management and corporate governance. The programme provides an opportunity to obtain a more comprehensive foundation in strategic management an added knowledge in specific business-related areas.
2.2 The programme aims to develop sound conceptual, technical, analytical and communication skills that are required to succeed in the strategic management and corporate governance. To this end the programme employs a rigorous case analysis approach, which requires students to exercise their analytical abilities and develop effective verbal and written communication skills. For the crucial role managers play in a free enterprise economy and ever-changing business environment.
3.1 To qualify for entry into the Master of Science in Strategic Management degree programme a student should have a good Honours degree in management, accounting, human resource management and/or other tertiary qualification approved by the Department.
3.2 Before the commencement of the programme, the department will offer one week bridging module sessions covering the following areas: Financial Accounting, Statistics, Information systems, Management overview and assignment research and presentation
4.1 Areas of study: |
Business research, Corporate Governance and Strategic Management |
4.2 Specialist Focus: |
Strategy Formulation and Implementation; Strategic Leadership; Corporate Innovation; ethics and Corporate Governance; Decision-making |
4.3 Orientation: |
Training people with the potential to get into Executive Management levels and board leadership. |
4.4 Distinctive Features: |
The programme is for students interested in careers in all facets of strategic management and corporate governance. The programme provides an opportunity to obtain a more comprehensive foundation in strategic management and added knowledge in specific business-related areas. |
5.1 Employability: |
Consultancy, academia, research, Operations Management, Executive management positions and boards. |
5.2 Further Studies: |
Doctoral studies in strategic management, corporate governance, leadership. |
Formal examinations will normally be held at the end of each semester.
6.1 For a student to be admitted to the examinations they must have:
6.1.1 Satisfactorily attempted approved modules of study including submission of required written assignments and term papers.
6.1.2 Attended compulsory classes.
6.1.3 Participated in prescribed seminars, tutorials and practical classes.
6.1.4 Paid the prescribed fees in accordance with the General Regulations.
6.2 Formal examinations will normally be written papers, but in some cases the examiner may test the candidate orally.
6.3 Continuous assessment shall account for 40% of the overall assessment, while the final examination will account for 60% of the overall assessment.
6.4 The aggregate pass mark shall be 50% and the candidate must have obtained at least 50% in the examination.
7.1 Use relevant research methods to create new insights into the field of business.
7.2 Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategic management and corporate governance
7.3 Ability to make decisions at strategic levels
A student requires 330 credits to complete this programme.
6.1 A student who fails to satisfy the examiners and obtains a mark less than 50% or fails the examination but not by less than 40% may, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners and subject to the approval of the Senate, be permitted to sit for a supplementary examination(s) in the irrespective module(s) failed in the fourth semester.
6.2 Overall assessment of the Supplementary examination will not incorporate; continuous assessment. Supplementary exanimations shall be marked as ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ and the overall maximum mark awarded in a supplementary examination shall be 50%.
6.3 No student shall be allowed to sit for more than two supplementary examinations in the final semester.
7.1 A student shall progress automatically from one level to the other even carrying the modules from the previous level.
For purposes of degree classification, the parts of the degree programme will be classified as follows:
Level 1 Semester 1 and 2 50%
Level2 50%
The following marking scheme shall be used for all the modules and grading of the degree.
80%-100% Distinction
70%-79% Merit
60%-69% Credit
50%-59% Pass
Below50% Fail
Level 1 Semester 1
MBM732 |
Strategic Planning and Management |
18 |
MBM734 |
Strategic Change Management |
18 |
MBM735 |
Management of Organisational Behaviour |
18 |
MBM771 |
Management Accounting |
18 |
MBM731 |
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics |
18 |
Level 1 Semester 2
MBM737 |
Financial Accounting |
18 |
MBM739 |
Business Research Methods |
18 |
MBM740 |
Learning Organization |
18 |
MBM743 |
Managerial Economics |
18 |
MBM738 |
Strategic Information Management and E-Business |
18 |
Level 2 Semester 1
MBM772 |
Corporate Entrepreneurship |
18 |
MBM773 |
Financial Statement Analysis |
18 |
MBM745 |
Quality Management |
18 |
MBM742 |
Strategic Financial Management |
18 |
MBM744 |
Production and Operations Management |
18 |
Level 2 Semester 2
MBM762 |
Strategic Leadership |
18 |
MBM774 |
Corporate Governance II |
18 |
MBM770 |
Dissertation/Research Project (All Quarters) |
90 |
MBM731 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
The course aims to enable students to define ethics, articulate what ethics entails, tapping from the various perspectives posited by the ethical theories, interrogate ethical relationships in business and the social responsibility of business and dissect the various corporate governance frameworks such as the American Round Table, King 111 and the Ubuntu Framework in business. The course will cover topics and aspects such as definition of ethics, utilitarian ethics, deontological ethics, virtue theory, theories of justice, ethical discussion and ethical relationships in business and social responsibility definition of corporate governance, separation of Ownership and control, corporate scandal and reaction, shareholder, corporate ownership around the world ,managers and boards of directors, independent directors compensation family, owned firms, corporate governance and the media, the king 111 report on corporate governance and ethical guidelines in Zimbabwe
MBM732 Strategic Planning and Management
This course aims to make the student know how an organization is managed in a strategic sense, as well as, bridge for the student, the gap between theory and actual business practice, develop the student awareness of analytical techniques, managerial models and academic theories, which contribute to strategic planning and management. The course will cover topics such as the concept of strategy, strategic planning and formulation concepts, crafting strategy: environmental assessment techniques, crafting strategy: internal analysis, objective setting, strategic analysis, strategic choices/options and valuation of options, strategic implementation, administering and organizing for the strategic planning function
MBM734 Strategic Change Management
The course aims to acquaint students with the management of change, how to develop successful organizations, lead change: introducing strategic change, issues in the management of change, strategies for the implementation and change, transformational change and strategic regeneration, power and politics in strategic change. The course will cover topics and aspects such as change management, adapting to change, systems approach, planned change, changing of culture, corporate culture, cultural resistance and how to overcome it, issues in the management of change, strategies for the implementation of strategic change, transformational change and strategic regeneration, power and politics.
MBM735 Management of Organisational Behaviour
The course will cover topics such as explanation of key concepts, why study organizational behaviour, people’s entry into organization, leadership, communication, conflict and change and discussion issues.
MBM743 Managerial Economics
This course aims to bridge the gap between economic theory and the challenges faced by modern managers, offering a holistic approach to strategic decision-making. The course will cover topics such as introduction to managerial economics, demand analysis, supply analysis, market structures, pricing strategies, production and cost analysis, profit analysis, game theory, managerial decision-making, global managerial economics, ethical considerations in managerial economics and lastly emerging trends and issues.
MBM737 Financial Accounting
This course aims to equip students to be able to use financial accounting information to make informed judgments and economic decisions. The course will cover topics such as financial reporting and accounting cycle, financial distress prediction and valuation of companies
MBM738 Strategic Information Management and E-business
This course is aimed at reinforcing the strategic role of information in the survival of organizations in the modern and dynamic environment of technology. It also equips students with adequate knowledge and skills of e-business to understand and appreciate its critical role in the world of business. The course will cover topics such as the strategic importance of information, and indigenous and endogenous knowledge systems. Information processing systems, the computer as a basis for modern information systems, data storage and file organization, importance of e-business, opportunities offered by e-business, developing e-business systems, the environment for e-business, web server hardware and software, electronic information networks and security and ethical challenges to e-business.
MBM739 Business Research Methods
This course is designed to enable students to develop a deeper understanding of the research, broaden and strengthen understanding and application of the research process, apply research findings in decision-making processes, conduct meaningful and useful research and explain different research approaches available and applicable to Business sciences and management. The course will cover topics such as research concepts, research topic, research process, literature review, research designs, data collection methods and techniques, data presentation, analysis and interpretation, call for a proposal, research report writing, methodology and assessment.
MBM740 Learning Organisation
The module will also explore the dynamics of how organisations learn through the empowerment of individuals in the organisation. It goes beyond the incidence of mistakes as a punishable offence and treats these as opportunities to learn and enhance organizational performance. It will also examine the leadership regimes necessary for such organizational learning.
MBM762 Strategic Leadership
This module emphasizes the role of leaders in the twenty-first century organisation and their role in leading strategy formulation and implementation, role modelling, mentoring, training and performance management.
MBM742 Strategic Financial Management
The course aims to acquaint students with the contents and tools of financial management in a corporate context in particular and social setting in general. The course will cover Page 297 of 443 topics and aspects such as basic concepts of financial management, long-term investment decision, working capital management, long-term financial and dividend decisions, financial analyses, planning and forecasting, special issues and/or topics in financial management.
MBM770 Dissertation
The dissertation shall constitute the second semester of level two. Each candidate is required to submit a dissertation of approximately 20000 words on a topic relating to his/her area of managerial interest and approved in writing by the dissertation supervisor.
MBM744 Production and Operations Management
This course introduces students to the concepts of production and operations in an organization production and operations management help the students to be familiar with the production process and the operation strategies that any organization can use. Students should be able to plan and control as a component of production and operation management. The following topics need to be included as a way of helping students familiarize themselves with the production industry, production design, service production, productivity, layout facilities, location and design of the plant, inventory management and quality management among others. The students need to know how to calculate productivity as this will help them make wise decisions in the industry. Students also need to be familiar with calculations on process flow, forecasting and capacity planning. Students need to understand that any organization has its own production and operations systems and these need to be managed with knowledge.
MBM745 Quality Management
The aim of this module is to introduce the concept of Total Quality Management and Best Practice, examine and explore the philosophies and concepts, best practice tools and macro techniques as well as the detailed stages, requirements, structures and the processes in total quality management and best practice. The course will cover topics and aspects such as global competitiveness and quality costs, quality gurus, their philosophies and the new paradigm, strategic quality management planning, leadership and change, education and training empowerment, business excellence models using self-assessment as a strategy for achieving business excellence, benchmarking, business process reengineering, balanced scorecard and statistical process control- Total Quality Management Seven Old Tools.
MBM 772 Corporate Entrepreneurship
This module aims to equip students with corporate entrepreneurship skills. The module covers principles of corporate entrepreneurship, processes, benefits, challenges and models of corporate entrepreneurship in line with changes in the corporate environment.
MBM773 Financial Statement Analysis
This module is designed for those who expect to read, interpret and analyse Financial Statements. The module adopts a modern approach to the topic of Financial Statement Analysis. Although some attention is devoted to the mechanic of dissecting Financial Statement, primary emphasize lines on development of an understanding of the market environment in which Financial information is used
MBM771 Management Accounting
This module aims to equip students with decision-making skills in the corporate world. This module covers costing, budgeting, standard variance, and other aspects of management accounting,
MBM774 Corporate Governance II
This module equips students with corporate governance skills to enable the candidates to implement the concept of governance. The module covers, corporate governance practices, disclosure and transparence, disputes, corruption, company distress, governance in SMEs and Family businesses.