- Overview
- Career Opportunities
- Programme Structure
The purpose of this programme is to guide learners in exploring management philosophies and biblical hermeneutics. Learners also gain an in-depth understanding of the various styles of leadership and learn how to further the objectives of churches, non-profit organisations, businesses and communities. Learners also are enabled to guide others in their explorations of hermeneutical studies and inspire them to achieve their spiritual goals.
Normal Entry: A good honours degree, with at least 2.2, from a recognised university in any discipline Equivalent qualifications for admission into the programme will be considered Prospective candidates with two years post-qualification experience in their field, have an added advantage
Career Opportunities
Post-graduates in Church Leadership and practical ethics Religious Studies graduates can find employment in churches, non-profit organisations, businesses and various community setups where they can inspire people to achieve their spiritual goals. They can work in these institutions as counsellors, lecturers, administrators or pastors; in NGOs as gender activists, development partners, and counsellors; those who are pastors already can be employed as Chaplains for the uniformed forces like the Prisons, Police, and Army; in welfare institutions as gender activists, HIV/AIDS counsellors and advisors; in colleges and universities as lecturers and any other religious oriented fields.
PhD Studies
Programme Structure
Level 1 Semester 1
Code Module Description Credits
*MACLPE 500 Advanced Studies in Leadership Theories 20
*MACLPE 501 Classical and Modern Ethical Theories 20
MACLPE 502 Ecclesiastical Models & Leadership 20
*MACLPE 503 Ubuntu and Principles of Leadership Ethics 20
Level 1 Semester 2
MACLPE 504 Advanced Research Methods and Theories 20
*MACLPE 505 Advanced Studies in Gender and Organisational Leadership 20
*MACLPE 506 Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation 20
*MACLPE 507 Organisational Politics and Conflict Management 20
*MACLPE 509 Contemporary Ethical Problems in Zimbabwe 20
Level 2 Semester 1
*MACLPE 508 Dissertation 90
MACLPE 510 Advanced Business Ethics 20
MACLPE 511 Ethics in Grooming and Etiquette 20
MACLPE 512 Human Rights and Organisational Leadership 20
MACLPE 513 Leadership and Management 20
MACLPE 514 Ethics in Marketing and Advertising Ethics 20
MACLPE 515 Employee Training and Development 20
MACLPE 516 Ethics in Organisational Communication 20
MACLPE 517 Leadership Ethics, law and Policy Making 20
MACLPE 500 Advanced Studies in Leadership Theories
Advanced Studies in Leadership Theories is a module which offers a higher understanding of the major leadership philosophies throughout the history of mankind. The module is designed in a way that gives students an appreciation of the concept of leadership itself and how elusive it can be. The purpose of this module is to provide the students with a deeper understanding of theories of leadership.
MACLPE 501 Classical and Modern Ethical Theories
This module introduces students to the nature of ethics and a critical reflection on some of the most influential ethical theories from the classical to the modern era. The purpose of this module is to introduce to students various ethical theories and enable them to understand and appreciate their place. An understanding and appreciation of the ethical theories will develop among students’ evaluative skills when confronted with moral dilemmas in real- life situations and transform them in their ethical conduct.
MACLPE 502 Ecclesiastical Models and Leadership
Living in an age of ecclesiastical chaos where so many wildly different kinds of churches exist side by side in the same towns and cities, this module provides the learner with models of the Church. These models have great value in helping church leaders to get beyond the limitations of their particular outlook and to enter into fruitful conversations with others. Such conversation is essential if ecumenism is to get beyond its present impasses.
MACLPE 503 Ubuntu and Principles of Leadership Ethics
Ubuntu and Principles of Leadership is a module that seeks to derive ethical leadership principles from the African ethic of Ubuntu. The module proceeds from an understanding of Ubuntu as a moral theory and then demonstrates how it can lead to ethical leadership. Ubuntu in this module is compared to some Western theories of leadership drawing similarities and differences. Ubuntu is also applied to contemporary issues in ethical leadership and the idea is to demonstrate that the values of Ubuntu can promote ethical leadership and can provide solutions for contemporary challenges in ethical leadership like corruption and multi-culturalism. The purpose of this course is to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the Ubuntu ethic and how it can promote good corporate governance.
MACLPE 504 Advanced Research Methods and Theories
The module is designed to provide the learner with research methods skills that can be used within languages, literature and cultural studies. The primary objective of this module is to reacquaint learners with a variety of research traditions and related methodological and epistemological issues. The module gives the learner skills to understand the relation between qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research designs in relation to their applicability, and their ability to contribute to an understanding of specific research issues. The module also offers learners an opportunity to address current methodological issues as they pertain to their research interests thereby providing each with the potential to knowledgeably justify and explain her or his chosen methodology and method. It is in this module that the learners practice their ability to prepare and carry out interviews, observations, case studies, document analyses and surveys. The learners also practice the analysis of results that have been collected by means of the chosen method(s) and instruments. Furthermore, the module also acquaints the learners with the type of research paradigm which subsequently determines the methods of data collection and analysis. It also enables learners to reflect upon the process of acquiring relevant information. The module therefore equips learners to develop research proposals, review related literature focusing on global, and regional trends in the specific area of study, write research and take note of ethical considerations in everything that is done in a research endeavour.
MACLPE 505 Advanced Studies in Gender and Organisational Leadership
Leadership is often regarded as the single most critical factor that determines the quality of success or failure of an organisation. Histories of nations, organisations and intuitions show that events may be altered drastically by the sudden change of leadership. The module equips students with basic skills on how both men and women can lead organisations. More is articulated on how gender and organisational leadership walk together.
MACLPE 506 Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation
How will you measure your project’s success? This module helps students to answer this question by introducing the basics of monitoring and evaluation (M&E). In this module issues like how to a make successful projects plan for data collection, management, analysis, and use. The module tackles topics like introduction to Monitoring, Linking M&E to Project Design, Identifying Indicators & Targets, the purpose of monitoring and evaluation, How to conduct monitoring and evaluation, and how to develop a monitoring and evaluation plan.
MACLPE 507 Organisational Politics and Conflict Management
The module is all about organisational Politics and Conflict management. It tackles the concept of Conflict which is nothing but the clashing of opposite interests. The module provides the skills and competencies on how to deal with politics in organisations.
MACLPE 509 Contemporary Ethical Problems in Zimbabwe
This is an applied ethics module which addresses the ethical dilemmas people make in day –to- day life. The module tackles such issues as homosexuality, masturbation, abortion, euthanasia, corruption, capital punishment, animal rights, politics, social injustice and peace. The module introduces students to the problems that constitute our human societies today and how they can solve the dilemmas.
MACLPE 508 Dissertation
This course provides the student with the opportunity to research a topic of their choice. With guidance from a member of the academic staff as supervisor, students will plan and design an independent research project which relates to their overall programme of study. At this level, students should show the potential of conducting independent research and the topics chosen need to be attempting to solve societal challenges
MACLPE 510 Advanced Business Ethics
The module equips students with the knowledge of applying basic ethical theories and moral philosophies in reaching decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma in the business world. This module is also designed to provide an analysis and examination of significant contemporary ethical issues and challenges existing throughout the professional business arena. The module empowers students with tools with which to evaluate ethical dilemmas in business and to foster awareness of the benefits and limitations of bringing ethical theory into the business environment.
MACLPE 511 Ethics in Grooming and Etiquette
This module introduces students to etiquette and grooming. It is meant to familiarise students with dress and grooming in a formal set-up and also to explain the importance and the use of courtesy. The module also familiarises students with table manners observed at business lunches and dinners, e-mail etiquette, telephone manners and overall conduct at the place of work. The module intends to equip students with basic manners which would make them suited to every life situation and be considered ethical.
MACLPE 512 Human Rights and Organisational Leadership
Human Rights and Organisational Leadership is a module which provides a key understanding of human rights and their place in organisational leadership. It also distinguishes between man and woman rights and shows how these are applied and respected in the corporate world. The module discusses ethical problems associated with human rights at the workplace, for instance, issues of hiring and firing workers. The purpose of this module is to foster an understanding of human rights both male and female rights and show how these are employed at the organisational level. It also provides the key elements of organisational leadership.
MACLPE 513 Leadership and Management
The module explores the conceptual notions of organisational leadership and management. In this module, the major thrust is on the role of leaders to ensure development in organisations. The module gives students skills on good management and how to provide services to the community in an appropriate, efficient, equitable, and sustainable manner.
MACLPE 514 Ethics in Marketing and Advertising Ethics
Ethics in Marketing and Advertising is an applied module which looks at the ethical concerns of marketing and advertising in business. It takes a closer look into the principles and theories of ethical advertising and competition in business. The module is meant to foster an understanding of ethical marketing practices in business through an understanding of the moral theories and principles guiding advertising.
MACLPE 515 Employee Training and Development
Employee training and development is a module which addresses the continued efforts of a company to boost the performance of its employees. Companies aim to train and develop employees by using an array of educational methods and programmes. The module states that training and development have emerged as a crucial element of strategy. Other perks of employee training and development tackled in the module include improvements in employee performance, boosting company reputation, and addressing weak links in the organisation.
MACLPE 516 Ethics in Organisational Communication
This module examines how the philosophical world of ethics can be applied to organizational communication. The focus is on finding out how ethics can add value, by addressing the downside of its absence, especially, but not limited to, the handling of dilemmas and contradictions in organisational communication.
MACLPE 517 Leadership Ethics, law and Policy Making
This module is designed to introduce students to the general issues relating to leadership ethics, law and policy -making. The module provides a general overview of the various philosophical approaches to leadership ethics and the legal systems in relation to their influence on decision -making. The purpose of this module is to foster in students an understanding of the general relationship and the nature of the interaction between leadership ethics, the law and the processes of decision- making.