This programme seeks to promote high conceptual and inquisitive skills in literary and cultural studies as well as developing student’s competence within specialist literary studies areas. The degree also seeks to generate interest in research in literature and linguistics, widening the students’ knowledge base, competencies, skills and capabilities in the fields of literature and linguistics. To prepare students to adapt to any environment by promoting high conceptual and inquisitive, entrepreneurial skills in the fields of literature and linguistics.
To be eligible for the programme, an applicant must have a good first degree in any of the following:
(1) Linguistics
(2) English and Communication
(2) African Languages and Culture or an approved equivalent from any recognised university.
Areas of Study: Linguistics and Communication
Specialist Focus: Linguistics and Communication
Orientation: Research and innovation oriented. Teaching and learning are practically oriented
Distinctive Features: The programme employs a student-centred approach and offers them an opportunity to participate in national development literature and linguistics programmes.
Employability: Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics degree programme is designed to enhance the competencies of graduates in the fields of (Applied) Linguistics, Communication Industry, Public Relations and University Lectureship.
Further Studies: Doctoral studies in Linguistics or in inter/multidisciplinary programmes related to the disciplines of Linguistics and Communication.
Teaching and Learning Methods: Lectures, tutorials, seminars, group work, research project, individual independent study
Assessment Methods: Written and oral examinations, tests, seminar presentations, and final year research project report.
Code Module Description Credits
MAAL701 Phonetics and Phonology of English 20
MAAL702 Syntax and Semantics of English 20
MAAL703 Theories of Second Language Acquisition 20
Level 1 Semester 2
MAAL704 Genre in English 20
MAAL705 Discourse Analysis of English 20
MAAL706 Teaching English as a Second Language 20
Level 2 Semester 1
MAAL 870 Dissertation 90
MAAL 701 Phonetics and Phonology of English
The module introduces students to the approaches to studying phonetics and phonology with special reference to and emphasis on the phonetics and phonology of the English language. Students are taught to apply various ideas views and theories) to establish fields of speech phenomena to arrive at, or rather establish the phonemes of the fields under analysis. The module explores the development of the English language both from diachronic and synchronic perspectives with a specific focus on the developments in its sound patterns and structure.
MAAL 702 Syntax and Semantics of English
The module is an exploration of the two levels of linguistics: syntax and semantics of the English language. The focus is on understanding and making a critical appreciation of syntactic and semantic concepts and theories. Students will be expected to make an appreciation of the different paradigms in the study of syntax and semantics. The module is also an exploration of the syntax-semantics interface.
MAAL 703 Theories of Second Language Acquisition
This module is an introduction to current theories of how second languages are acquired and learned and methods in second language acquisition research.
MAAL 704 Genre in English
The module moves through a theoretical review of the previous genre theoretic propositions, studies and discourse studies. The course thus reviews different traditions of genre theories with the aim of problematising the genre theory theoretical framework debate. These theoretical traditions mainly cover New Rhetoric (NR), Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), Genre Analysis (GA) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) perspectives on the genre. These perspectives, in this module, are considered complementary rather than contradictory in terms of the analytical applications of texts.
MAAL 705 Discourse Analysis of English
The module examines larger linguistic units than the sentence, including conversational structure, speech acts and the ethnography of speaking. It explores concepts in the study of discourse and the role of context in its study. It is a critical appreciation of discourse- linguistic theories and approaches in the study of discourse. The module intends to nurture students who are better communicators and analysts. Taking context into cognisance, the module intends to cover varied areas of discourse analysis and train students to read texts by deconstruction. However, the major focus of this module is on the critical evaluation of discourse theories and their applicability.
MAAL 706 Teaching English as a Second Language
This module surveys current theories and methodologies in the area of teaching English as a second language.
MAAL 707 Variation and Standardisation in English
The module examines variation in a selection of the varieties of English used worldwide in areas including, but not confined to, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Also considered is the relation of variation to standardisation.
MAAL708 Sociolinguistics of English
The module analyses current theories and research methodologies within the area of sociolinguistics. Topics include, but are not confined to, phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Also considered is the relation of variation to standardisation.
MAAL709 Psycholinguistics of English
The module explores current theories and research methodologies within the area of psycholinguistics. Topics include but are not restricted to first language acquisition, language impairment, and aspects of neurolinguistics.
MAAL710 Theories of Bilingualism
The module surveys aspects of bilingualism, including, but not restricted to, bilingual speech communities, code-switching, code-mixing, language maintenance and bilingual education.
MAAL 870 Dissertation
The dissertation is expected to be between 15 000 to 20 000 words or 100 pages of font 12 with double line spacing and it should be in the area of Applied English Linguistics.