Staff Profiles: Geography, Environmental Sustainability and Resilience Building
Professor Thomas Marambanyika
Position: Deputy Dean Faculty of Social Sciences
Research Interests:
Sustainable utilization and conservation of natural resources
Environmental management in industry
Food systems and Food security
Wetland processes and management
GIS and remote sensing applications with societal impact
Prof Mark Matsa
Position: Chairperson
Research interests:
Waste Management,
Climate Change and Sustainable Development,
Land cover and land use changes,
Water Resources Management,
Food Security, Migration,
Gender and the Environment,
Biogeography and Ecosystems
Prof S Jerie
Position: Associate Professor
Research Interests:
Waste management,
Environmental management,
Climate change,
Occupational safety and health
Dr V T Mutekwa
Position: Senior Lecturer
Research Interests
Environmental and Natural resources governance and conservation outcomes;
Conservation farming,
Climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation strategies;
Safety, Health & Environmental Management in Industry.
Dr Pedzisai Kowe
Position: Lecturer
Research Interests
Urban development, planning and management
Spatial interaction modelling, gravity models, transport geography and network analysis
Geographic information science;
Remote sensing of urban green spaces;
Spatial statistics, landscape ecology and vegetation fragmentation mapping and analysing in urban landscapes;
Urban climate, urban heat island mitigation;
Dr Winmore Kusena
Research Areas:
Aspects of Human Geography
Water Governance
Sustainable household livelihood
Environmental Assessment & Management
Dr Amato Chireshe
Position: Lecturer
Research interests
Waste management
Safety and health
Environmental issues.
Dr. Maswoswere Pure
Position: Lecturer
Research interests
Environmental health and safety
Climate change
Disaster management
Built environment (urban geography)
Waste Management
Agroecology and Agribussiness.
Dr Beauty Dzawanda
Position: Lecturer
Research Interests:
Sustainable livelihoods and Community development
Informal Cross Border Trading and sustainable development
Environmental Issues that affect sustainability
Mr. Oshneck Mupepi
Position: Lecturer
Research interests
Geographic Information System
Remote sensing of the environment
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Cloud Computing earth observation techniques
Environmental management
Climate Change and Climate Resilience.
Mr Rameck Defe
Position: Lecturer
Research interests
Resilience building and rural community development
Climate change and variability adaptation and management
Sustainable water resources management
Safety and health
Disaster risk reduction and management
Food security
cleaner and smart production system
Ms Kudzanayi Tachiweyi
Position: Lecturer
Research interests
Sustainable mining
Occupational Health and Safety
Environmental Politics
Mr Swithian Manzinde
Position: Lecturer
Research Interest
Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Quality.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment.
Good Governance and Environmental Management.
Waste Management.
Public Health Management.
Occupational Hygiene.
Food Safety, Water and Sanitation.
Keto Petersons (Ngwenya)
Position: Lecturer
Research interests
waste management,
environmental management
local and indigenous knowledge systems.
Mr Kudakwashe Collins Ralph Muringaniza
Position: Lecturer
Research Interests:
Land Use Management,
Natural Resources Management,
Geographical Information Systems,
Remote Sensing,
Water Resources Management and Hydrology,
Natural Hazards and Human Response,
Climate Change and Coping Strategies
Mr Tatenda Musasa
Position: Lecturer
Research Interests:
Wetland Ecology and Management
Natural Resources and Sustainable Development,
Geographical Information Systems,
Remote Sensing,
Water Resources Management and Hydrology,
Natural Hazards and Human Response,
Occupational Safety Health and Environment
Position: Lecturer
Food Security
Medical Geography
Urbanization and its challenges
Environmental Management
Sustainable Tourism
Mrs Upenyu Mupfiga
Position: Lecturer
Research Interests
Geo-information and Earth Observation
Environmental Modelling
Land cover and Land Use Change
Mr Kudzanai Mutembwa
Position: Technician
Research Interest
Climate Finance.
Water resources management.
Community resilience and sustainable livelihoods.
Environmental degradation and female economic inclusion.